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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Comments . July / 24 / 2013

Facebook attack on America

Hello , to all America .
We here at the Fronzi Lair in the most solid impenetrable rock on the planet , the Canadian Shield .
  We have assembled our military division , which is made up of ex U.S. military , now our mercenaries . Your military is practically useless to our modern weapons .
We have assembled ourselves at the border of the United States , and we , at my signal will enter the United States and subdue it's authorities .
Reports from our intelligence reveals that the United States is
                     "Harboring Weapons of Mass Destruction "
The people have lost control and reports of government corruption , including ; murder [of their citizens and abroad ] , false  imprisonment , theft , non responsible behavior , amongst many illegal activities .
Don't worry America we'll set you free . { 3.30 pm . July  / 15 / 2013}
The Force .

Facebook reply to retirees .

Yea it's like saying , "D worry will give you a hamburger on Tuesday ", then forgetting your aged all together . I can see this happening in the States but Canada , home of the fee and land of the slave , no way .
3.  Youtube time correction .
Well you obviously have right ? Do you believe that time changes because you're at a higher level than me , if our watches were in sync . May I ask you a question ? Taking into consideration you are far from me and in a different time zone , what time is it for both of us ? My answer , it's "now" , just because it's daylight somewhere it's still "now" isn't it ? In a spacecraft its still "now" isn't it ? There's only one time zone all over the universe ,"now", do you see? No changes.
John Lennon saying posted on my facebook.
" Leave a Door Open ", now did you learn something new ?
Why was this man killed ? Why didn't what he felt deeply about [ Peace ], happen ?
It seems to be at this point that war is waged just to keep the war machine going ? Nobody except , extremists still practice it . Their intent is to bizarre to just say there even is an intent .John Lennon was always my favorite Beatle , he was the super geek that played cool music  while chewing gum . He was a major catalyst to the Beatles and the world .
Youtube John Lennon's relationship with Yoko.
Are you young ? If you are ? You would have trouble seeing John Lennon's and Yoko's relationship . It will make sense to you when you've gained experienced . In simple words , John needed someone to tell him he's absolutely right , and Yoko was doing what every woman from the street to her highness gets into a relationship for , the money . It works though in the way that he new he was in the right , yet without Yoko as the catalyst it might not have happened ?
  Youtube reply on United States in Syria .
Oh want to help again .You guys are the greatest. I've never seen such heartfelt goodness as I've seen from the United States in the last fifty years .Who would have known that it could get better ? With all the outpouring of help from the United States a lot of problems were really corrected .The anti States people are the ones the States wants to help the most , Then when they get that help they realize that it is absolutely free , just like America , " Land of the Fee And Home of the Slave ".
Petion on Canadian Revolution .
Canada lacks an Identify , it's people see themselves as foreigners , it's time to fly on our own . British power of absolute veto gives a rogue government willing to corrupt the Royals can do anything . Canada no longer is a British chattel , it's a diverse multicultural nation . Let's drop this aging insult we've accepted for to many years . Lets prorogue the prorogue the prorogues . Set us free . We aren't just looking for our future in the world , I'm sure we are the future .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July  / 16 / 2013
America and America now , Youtube .
At one time America would have to be forced by great danger to go to war .
This is when God was on their side . Now they troll the world helping even when they're not asked , your armies aren't for foreign attackers , no they are mercenaries who attack anyone that fits into the games of the ones that have the money .You've been duped , those boys that died in war after ww2 were just living dolls for the moneyed to waste . Does God stand on your side now ?
 Youtube Leonardo Da Vinci reply .
True Leonardo finished his projects in his head , what we see is comparable to todays sticky notes . He didn't want his ideas stolen or called witchcraft  . You will notice his writing on the design , on the bottom it obviously tilted to the left , on the top its straight up, this indicates he was ambidextrous and could access both temporal lobes of his brain . Sure you can say this is simple stuff, but for the era he lived it was uncommon .
Canadian revolution , petition preamble .
This is important to me because it's important to Canadians , our position , and our freedom . We have to be taken seriously , because I believe the future of America belongs to Canada .
Baby Boomers Bible
Are we gonna give up now , this worked before it will again . Hey brother , it's just a shot away , hey sister, it's just a kiss away . It's our time to speak Baby boomers , or are we just gonna do like everybody before us and fade away ?
Youtube rebut on Romans were pussies .
Oh , then the whole foundation of the western world , an era spanning a thousand years , constantly spoken of ,
Was run and created by pussies ? I guess the Romulans on Star Trek were mercenaries ?
  Stewart , I've seen that name in Roman archives , it comes up with the removal of hands of starving useless Scotts who raided at night for food .
Reply Youtube overtaxation .
I've already got the air tax figured out , they weigh you , then you are made to breath deeply into a volume chamber , then they take all the numbers and calculate it monthly .
Their reason ; " It costs money to keep the air breathable .
I hope no politicians read this ?
Youtube world war three rebut .
The Chinese I'm sure don't want anything other than their bill paid .
So pay your bill America , Your itching for war ? Your crazy if you do , because China doesn't raise it's children on a long dead dream of freedom , they're for real .
So pay your bills . Giving land as a payment makes complete sense , look at the deal  you got off the American Natives .
Creation post you tell me ?
Ask yourself , why does most of creation have , two eyes , two ears , one nose with two apertures , four limbs , one head , one intake , one waste expelling , one heart ,etc.?
Why ?  " Intelligent design of Conscious intelligence ".
  Facebook help to the masses .
If you don't see it ?  You won't understand it .
If you can't understand it ?   You will fear it .
If you fear it ?   Your are it , it is in you .
Capice ?
 Youtube Einstein .
The key phrase here is , " was a great read ".
Do you believe that two clocks , set at the exact time and one goes as fast as light , the one that went tripping would be different than the other ? Also if light is the fastest known movement , why does everything effect it and stop it, or bend it, or hold it back ? Much like the black hole that's been telling you the world is flat ?
18. Quote from Plato.
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses. – Plato
Giving shit to Microsoft .
Your already in our computers all the time with updates , so you should auto fixed the system . What have I purchased  a complete system or an ongoing experiment ? Cause I can't even install updates except for Security Essentials .
Humanities flub , comments
The Question is , Why do you Question Yourself ?
Why because your the creature that isn't comfortable with itself .
Why ? Because your natural power has been taken from you .
You don't even notice the day you'll sell out .
But it's rooted in you , if you were a good kid your usually a good Adult .
How would you like to set yourself free ?
   Do you feel it , it's already happening isn't it ?
Strength , peace , honor , and stay clear of entities that are going different ways or higher orders .
As once said : " Your Either part of the Solution , or Your Part of the Problem ".
Gianfranco Fronzi . July  / 16 / 2013
Gianfranco Fronzi . July  / 24 / 2013