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Friday, September 28, 2012

"The Year of the cat" comments , addendum

Perimeter Pancakes .
On my study of the entities that inhabit this planet , the  perception  each have , is different for each individual .
One species , " The Cat ".
The Cat , you can see , perceives  either more , or maybe  less than mankind ?
To describe my view , " If I was Einstein , i'd  say the Cat is moving back in time ".
The reason for my  view , of that image , of the cat . Is tied to how the cat perceives .
The Cat is arrogant , because it knows it's physical abilities can get it out of a lot of trouble .
And they amazingly do usually survive .
But you can't buy the cat , it can survive without you . And probably sees Mankind moving back in time , instead .
Gianfranco Fronzi . September / 28 / 2012

"Canadian Pot" comments YouTube

This issue is really giving me a hard time , i'm a smoker , and Canadian , but this war on pot , it's  a real insult , and a topic that shouldn't even be an issue . Everybody has tried it , nobody found broke , or not operating at there own speed . Business as usual , nobody cares , but it's illegal ?
Don't insult your citizens anymore than they can handle . To destroy this law will be ground breaking , because it actually is democratic . What a prize for the right party.
Gianfranco FRONZI. September / 28 / 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bible Summary COMMENTS

Perimeter pictures , to sum up the Bible ?
The bible is full of magic spells , but to sum it up in one passage .
I think you will agree ?
These words .
 " Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
These words carry us through insanity , evil , and anything else thrown at us .
Why ? Because , the power of belief has lifted you , and the "spell" is protecting you .
Gianfranco Fronzi . september /26 / 2012

Body Language instant results

Perimeter pictures , The hunger .
To learn a language you've got to study hunger , the hunger to learn it .
To learn the language of  hunger , you got to locate each department that uses that same language , for each to communicate , and send a request , for nourishment , to you .
Sexual hunger is like , getting ripped off for repressed cocaine , it doesn't add up in the end .

Once you've done your linguistics , you will have a better grip on yourself .
Arrivederci  Baby .
Gianfranco Fronzi . September / 23 / 2012