When you take something biological , growing freely from the earth and make it illegal , you're creating a law of imposition .
Now what you've done is turned something that is cheap and free , into something expensive and illegal .
But who really are the victims here ?
The people .
They say it's all to protect the people , when it's to ; make money , and jobs for a huge enforcement of these life destroying , illegal laws .
I wasn't born in a country , I was born on a planet , could we have our planet back ?
I thank your voice in sanity for a noble , intelligent , sentient entity as the Elephant .
The time for responsibility for our actions to the rest of life , especially towards the life of such a creature as the ever noble Elephant has arrived . Let's not be stupid because we only get these chances one time , the alternative is to remain heartless to a creature that's all heart .
"The day will come when men such as I look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men." - Leonardo Da Vinci ".
Do you really believe I'm delusional ? What we're debating is an observation . An observation that I feel and also Jon Stewart punks jest at , with the blow job joke . You seem to think that a foreign leader of a disturbing country has the right to stand in and dictate to your government . Who's being off color here ?
+hidden4time Thank you sir . Now this is a viewpoint I would have missed ? You say as you work on DNA , it has the similar construct as computer code assembly ?
I've always suspected this because of visions I've had under the effects of drugs . Oh yes you do bring something on that one , thanks and if you can think of any other understandable view points that we'd miss , could you just put them in this one discussion thread we're on now ? Nobody reads this stuff . But I'm just scratching at the matrix at this point . What you added has given me a biological observation , mix the feel and the visual with your biological , and we're talking about ? Dare I say it ? " Design ".
nco Fronzi The code for DNA may not be identical to the codes that Dr. Gates is speaking of, but when I look at DNA codes, I certainly feel that I am looking at something generated by a computer, not nature. I do not believe that we are living in a virtual reality, but our reality may be determined by codes which evolve in the physical and biological nature of our world. Under different circumstances, or in a different universe, the code for DNA or the superstring codes being discussed here might evolve into something entirely different. I would not be surprised if we discovered that codes determine who we are and what we experience
+Mamad Irooni I'm not trying to cause a disturbance but doesn't that make him look , well like an Israeli plant ? He probably wanted an argument , but I really don't care it's not my country . But I live right beside it and have traveled all over the United States , and met a lot of it's citizens . Now you've got to understand that most of my time there was as biker on a Harley . And I had no trouble with anyone of them . Now I can only speak from my experience , and I've hung out with the worst and the best in the United States .
The people I interacted were the best people on earth , I gladly enjoy these people being across the bridge , because they are nice everyday people . Friendly , sometimes over friendly but nothing wrong with that . No if as they say " God bless America ". Well if God blesses at all it is for the people ? Some memorable times , all good .
This is why it hurts to see the insults they have to put up with , murdered with the lack of security at 911 alone ,.
When I think of good people , who thought they were safe , dying horribly . well they don't deserve it .
Faciabookers , ask yourselves , why in Canada a country that has shelters for the homeless available in most cities , are there homeless people that would rather live in freezing cardboard boxes and under freeway underpasses ? I'll tell you why ; because they don't trust , or want anything that ties them to humanity , because they're to "Proud " to bend . They are the unknowns , they are mentally ill in only the fact that they won't play the game . From that viewpoint who are the true mentally ill ?
What exactly does the United States owe Israel ?
Israel is like the son that keeps causing trouble and coming back for more .
Netanyahu was quoted " We own the United States ".
Obviously he has some dirty pictures he's blackmailing the United States with ?
Because nobody should be able to influence the United States government , or speak and sway like an American politician .
America , as Jon Stewart says is blowing a irresponsible bum .
Gianfranco Fronzi I can't possibly envision how we're going to stop all of this abuse . On a planet of billions of people and ways of life there's only one way . World government , don't go screaming Illuminate take over the world crap . They are telling us that a world government is the end of freedom and big brother comes . I don't think so , keeping mankind in regions where war , disparity , starvation and currency fluctuations is what they want . Imagine , regional disputes and war would instantly stop , currencies wouldn't rise or fall because it all the same all over the world . Resources can be moved to where they're needed , instead of rotting in silos waiting for better prices . And the horror of animal abuse , such as this poor mother pig with children that can't even turn to see them can be addressed and legislation to have a better system of animal husbandry can be globally monitored . Just Imagine .
The earth is done with our species . We've done what it wanted , by bringing the oil to the surface . Now it will allow us to destroy ourselves .
You are suggesting that it's all a plot to subjugate the masses ?
This brings up a good point , Jesse Ventura says the United States doesn't have two parties , there's just Government .
Lets look from a global view .
Could there be no real countries and governments , but a group of pseudo leaders that hash up what they want us to do ?
Therefore , there's no Russia , no China , no USA , but there's just them , those that pretend to be our representatives but behind powerful closed doors toss our lives around to achieve their global agenda ?
I don't believe this to be true but it would prove many facts .
Such as , why isn't ISIS attacking Israel ?
And why is it attacking and killing Muslims ?
Could they be just mercenaries paid to perform a scenario by which control of the middle east is stolen from the Muslim by pseudo Muslim ISIS ?
Let's not accept a , " Walk on part in the War for a lifetime in a cage ".
Angels , our animal friends .
To see them you've got to notice these traits .
They don't change , they are the same throughout their stay .
They also don't lie to you .
They don't steal from you .
They don't set you up .
They rarely speak bad of you .
Actually help you .
No strings attached .
They leave these questions that we've got to ask ourselves .
How do I compare to them ?
Am I as good as I think I am ?
This self questioning , is their true gift to mankind .
It's more powerful than any religion , and is free and pure .
So is there any doubt that there is , Angels amongst us ?
I would like to head off Obama haters , by explaining that recently he's been acting like a good President should . He cancelled the Keystone pipeline , he's holding back all out attack on ISIS , And generally listening to his people . So I'm tending to see him in a different light than he's been put under by racists , and just plain bandwagon jumpers .
Now I'm In Canada and am Canadian so I don't have any real reason to profit or gain from my observation .
So the salute . I don't know United States military protocol but I've always seen Presidents and military guard salute . The President returning out to do it , seals the deal as to his humanistic concern . All military and presidents should salute and do as Obama did and give his apologies , as the soldiers must see the Presidents Attention to bond with him . It's one of the only communication they have sometimes . Why does anyone salute if it isn't used and casually ignored ?
Well done Mr. President Sir .
We don't get a say in something that effects us because we've hired the wrong employees . Or did we hire them at all ? Well whatever we've got to do what our employees want because we also gave them guns , power and our squandered money . What organization would do something that stupid ?
Gianfranco Fronzi . March / 19 / 2015