What exactly did this wealthy man do to have been put in a position such as this ? Is this a wealthy mans way of expressing his passage from wealthy boyhood ? There's something missing to this tradition in this type of standard . The usual position includes ingestion of , and making complete use of the animals that you use to perform your rites . Otherwise your still just a rich boy .
Gianfranco Fronzi Hey Hijack , what are you trying to say ? A neat saying from your only true currency , the copper penny ? Copper is always useful . But if my position disturbs you ? I would like to point out the most intriguing part of this video ; the part about where the citizens need their firearms to guard against the government itself . If we all agree and I do , that this is a valid argument , lets expand it globally . You need to guard against tyranny . We who aren't in the United States have to also guard ourselves against tyranny . Capice ? Thank you
This is a joke right ? This video is saying that we still don't positively know , that blackholes exist ? Okay , throw your dreamy science out . And when you're getting pulled at the event horizon , then you'll know . For instance , this passage in the words of the video ;" Black Hole Information Loss ", does this imply that , if the object being drawn into the black hole ," isn't ", also followed by it's , user manual , and its properties files , it can't be drawn into the black hole ? Great , all we have to do is leave all that out of our spacecraft and we could side up and look around a black hole all day .
Even though I see flaws in this petition that are leaving open a door to hijacking , it's still better than what we've got .
But just saying the words to a human blunder that is almost laughable if not so obvious . Those words;
" Religious inspired Violence "
Don't these words show how undeserving of any over classification mankind can give itself . We are the completely biggest excrement orifice on this planet . Even the amoeba is more cognizant than us . Religious inspired Violence , you got to love that or else throw in the towel . Live life truly , I know being human it takes a lot of effort . But if anything we should be true to ourselves ? This ability to restrict violence by questioning morals , then using a over inflated ego , use that religion to cause violence . Only us mankind , only us .
But just saying the words to a human blunder that is almost laughable if not so obvious . Those words;
" Religious inspired Violence "
Don't these words show how undeserving of any over classification mankind can give itself . We are the completely biggest excrement orifice on this planet . Even the amoeba is more cognizant than us . Religious inspired Violence , you got to love that or else throw in the towel . Live life truly , I know being human it takes a lot of effort . But if anything we should be true to ourselves ? This ability to restrict violence by questioning morals , then using a over inflated ego , use that religion to cause violence . Only us mankind , only us .
Ha , friggen hilarious . Good humor , at its best . I love the United States for their Ideals . And I agree that every person that is a United States citizen should be able to carry firearms . But I also believe this , and don't like any arguments other than this . That being , " No United States citizen is allowed to carry firearms , outside of the United States , including their military ".
Freedom .
The part of " Freedom ", that isn't included in its definition is ?
That Freedom is only applicable to you , when .
You , " Allow everything and everyone else to also be " Free ".
The part of " Freedom ", that isn't included in its definition is ?
That Freedom is only applicable to you , when .
You , " Allow everything and everyone else to also be " Free ".
Get fuckinn crazy mofo's . Do you of the baby boomers generation , circa 1950 to 1980 . Do you remember the way we thought ? The promises we made ? Well ? It's time . And nobody can shut us up or question our collective integrity , you know why ? Because there's still no possible way of defining it . So lets wrap this baby up . The ones that point at the problems , better have solutions .
What a screwed up world we've got here . Alcohol which has fueled the most inhuman reactions has overpass to a plant that had without a doubt , an influence on the stepping stones of organized civilization . And it grows at your feet ? I'm going to have to add this to The " Fronzi's Unexplained Human Stupidity ", division of the multibillion dollar empire .
Does United States congress have the gavel on instating world education ? Well how about instating global three meals a day first ?
You're absolutely right . We hire " Employees " ,that give themselves pay hikes beyond inflation , give themselves retirement just for showing up , and decide who lives and dies , while they tee off . Where does anybody come up with this scenario ? Because Hollywood couldn't do this one ? Well , Okay , but only if Pee Wee Herman was head of the Majority Partiers .
commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly - Feb 21, 2015
I'm an Italian jew. I'm not proud to be Italian. I'm proud to be jew.

Then your a fool because you haven't read the holiest book of the jews- the Talmud!
Yeah, who could possibly be proud of a heritage that only includes ohhhhhhhhhh Leonardo Davinci, Dante Alighieri, Antonio Vivaldi, Michelangelo Lodavicio, Antonio Meucci, Fedrico Fellini, Ennio Morricone, Giorgio Armani, Sergio Leon and Luciano Pavarati? .. . ever hear of THEM you kike-worshiping assbite?
Proud to be a dirty rat who betrays the world & his own kind for the sake of money?
Or a Wailing wall fucker summoning up demons which destroy mankind?
Or a Wailing wall fucker summoning up demons which destroy mankind?
Be both. Jews played a massive role in the founding and upkeep of modern Italy.
+Meirstein Oh up yours with it! None of those men who I named there were jewish and THEY were the architects of Italian culture. Nice effort at sneaking your jew propaganda in here though.
+Vice Verser Modern Italy, douchefag. An Italy run by Jewish prime minsters like Alessandro Fortis and Luigi Luzzatti. An Italy built by the hundreds of Jewish officers that campaigned with Vittorio Emmanuel to unify Italy including Captain Roberto Segre who broke down the gates of Rome and Captain Mortara who led one of the first groups of soldiers into the city.
+Meirstein bullshit. The Talmud was around in its infancy since the time of Moses as oral tradition and added to and finally written and added to more
The talmud was oral traditions of the rabbis. Jesus said by your traditions you transgress the law. This was jesus's reference to the talmud. I was just pointing out how insane the talmud is and jews blindly believe it because the rabbi looks like a happy guy or the jews are inside the greed pyramid.
The talmud was oral traditions of the rabbis. Jesus said by your traditions you transgress the law. This was jesus's reference to the talmud. I was just pointing out how insane the talmud is and jews blindly believe it because the rabbi looks like a happy guy or the jews are inside the greed pyramid.
The Ashkenazim are derived mainly from Jewish men who wandered to Europe 2500 years ago, and intermarried with Roman/Italian women as well as eastern European women. A great number of Ashkenazim are descended from Italian mothers.
Well Italian women have tight snatches so no wonder jewish men wanted to dip their dicks in that olive oil Italian cunt.
I'd love to stick mine into Manuela Arcuri:
I'd love to stick mine into Manuela Arcuri:
of course you're not proud to be italian...that would make you patriotic and what would that gain you?
+ANTI-ANTI CHRIST The Talmud was initially written during the incarceration in Babylon. That's about 1000 years after the time of Moses. Your ig
norance comes from the fact that don't know anything except Nazi propaganda.
norance comes from the fact that don't know anything except Nazi propaganda.
+Mother Nature I said oral tradition prevailed first Jewtard. It started when the Sanhedrin took council from Mt. Sinai disobeying Moses forbidance
Again you show your phenomenal ignorance. There is no oral Judaism. Ancient Hebrews were literate (unlike you ancestors, no doubt). Everything was written. Everything passed down was written in the Tenakh, in Canaan, homeland of the Jews, before it became Israel.
+Mother Nature The Talmud was written in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries AD, 700-800 years after the time you state. Also, while there is no such thing as "Oral Judaism" the Talmud is often referred to as the Oral Torah.
+Mother Nature look up Torah Shebe'al peh and see how wrong you are. It literally means oral Torah. The Sanhedrin believe that two sets of commandments were given. Hence the Talmudic deception.......next
You should be proud of both ! Israel didn't invested in your education and wellbeing but Italy, the state your were born.
So be respectfull to the place you first open your eyes and live.
So be respectfull to the place you first open your eyes and live.
+SangeAlbastru1558 no matter where a Jew is born or resides, their Jewish heritage and Israel come first
+ANTI-ANTI CHRIST They said the same thing about JFK and Catholicism. Turns out that you can be a different religion and be a normal citizen of a country at the same time.
+Meirstein catholicism has been compromised by conversos. The Jesuit order will have Catholics following the Noahide laws soon
+Danny Delano get on some Italian women's chat line or something. This is about Jews and their treachery to mankind
+ANTI-ANTI CHRIST Actually, converts also qualify for the right of return, following two supreme court cases in 1989 and 2005.
U trolling ? Nothing wrong with that but people will take ur comment the wrong way
+danielsnem I'm an Italian Canadian .Achievements of a region , Italy , and hold high your Religion ? You haven't viewed " The Mysterious Italians " video . If you did you wouldn't show this one at all . You just watched this video and decided to renounce the citizenship .
+king bibibear The video doesn't exist , it was merely a satirical take of the video in this comments section . The comment by , +danielsnem about not being proud of being Italian but proud of being Jewish ? I don't believe I've got to list the Italian peninsula regional populations achievements or the qualities of the Italian people . I believe that we've always been civil towards the Jewish faction , even during the second world war and the fascism of Italy and Germany . The comments of +danielsnem are his own if he really exists because where can you divide Italian and Jewish value ? Noble prizes ? I believe Italy has made its mark on earth so deep everyone else can only imitate its people .
Now that I have your attention , you can delete this if you wish . I posted years ago a warning to Israel , that you will be abandoned again . We are now close to the moments of truth . If I could make a suggestion ? The situation isn't going to be desirable to any factions in the middle eastern scenario . Will you consider for your people some form of truth ? Because if the rest of the world senses untruth from Israel , they will all pounce on it . Now we know that in all altercations there's untold secretive actions . Your people can't afford even the slightest discrepancies . May our God find a workable reality otherwise we haven't done our historical homework . And time and the planet is finished with the species of mankind . We are at declination age , to save our species we must make use of all knowledge and time we have , something is trying like a tumor to rise up from existence . We'll need everything and everyone just to identify it .
Now that I have your attention , you can delete this if you wish . I posted years ago a warning to Israel , that you will be abandoned again . We are now close to the moments of truth . If I could make a suggestion ? The situation isn't going to be desirable to any factions in the middle eastern scenario . Will you consider for your people some form of truth ? Because if the rest of the world senses untruth from Israel , they will all pounce on it . Now we know that in all altercations there's untold secretive actions . Your people can't afford even the slightest discrepancies . May our God find a workable reality otherwise we haven't done our historical homework . And time and the planet is finished with the species of mankind . We are at declination age , to save our species we must make use of all knowledge and time we have , something is trying like a tumor to rise up from existence . We'll need everything and everyone just to identify it .
+Gianfranco Fronzi italians being civil towards Jews? ...don you know that's where we get the word "ghetto"??
+king bibibear No I didn't know the word getto was from Italian , but I do know , Italians were in that same getto as the Jews .
+king bibibear I lived in it as a child here in Canada .
No we're very related in the treatment we received . Yet we both worked and achieved a position that the children of the getto's are now the leaders of the people . Civility worked for the Italians . You must use it now in your quest as modern Jews .
No we're very related in the treatment we received . Yet we both worked and achieved a position that the children of the getto's are now the leaders of the people . Civility worked for the Italians . You must use it now in your quest as modern Jews .
+king bibibear When my family came to Canada my father arrived first . He found employment in Sault Ste. Marie , Ontario .
Two years later he had my Mother and me come to Canada .
We lived in the west end of the Sault which was all Italian immigrants and considered a getto , and by all description of a getto it was .
We worked and bled and cried , but we managed to forge a life that few people have .
Yet through all the name calling , and discrimination we held our civility and now as a man of sixty years , looking at my city , it's now a city where the children of the getto are holding the positions of the cities honors and the provincial representative is also from the Sault and Italian . Nobody can take or question a civil man , but if we used our positions to act uncivil we'd be then cast as an oppressor . And all the good we did would be worth nothing .
If you correlate what I've just told you to the position that the Jews have in Israel , how would it fit ? It doesn't .
Two years later he had my Mother and me come to Canada .
We lived in the west end of the Sault which was all Italian immigrants and considered a getto , and by all description of a getto it was .
We worked and bled and cried , but we managed to forge a life that few people have .
Yet through all the name calling , and discrimination we held our civility and now as a man of sixty years , looking at my city , it's now a city where the children of the getto are holding the positions of the cities honors and the provincial representative is also from the Sault and Italian . Nobody can take or question a civil man , but if we used our positions to act uncivil we'd be then cast as an oppressor . And all the good we did would be worth nothing .
If you correlate what I've just told you to the position that the Jews have in Israel , how would it fit ? It doesn't .
+danielsnem and than you for proving every anti semite correct.... did you know jews were persecuted around europe because they had no loyalty to their country and felt closer to judiasm..if you are not proud to be italian..leave italy and move to israel..get out of my beloved country, a historically catholic country.which i know you hate.
+Gianfranco Fronzi yes because israelÃs were thrown out of many countries...Italians are usually the oppressors.
+StatenIzzy1 historically catholic?....yeah because roman Catholicism didn't usurp the Christian Judean faith.
+king bibibear +king bibibear I don't believe that one bit +king bibibear , do you ever wonder why we Italians are welcomed everywhere ? That's because every Italian is an ambassador of Italy . Italians are favored in employment and are first when it comes to hospitality . We 2000 years ago didn't even oppress Israel , yet we did as you wished and crucified an innocent man . I know my people and so does the world , and people like it when we come around .Also , the Italians stood in front of the Jew in the gettos of America . Ask your historical and older Jews , they'll tell you how the Italians helped them .Why ? Could you explain , are the reasons for anti-Semitism , why are the Jews not wanted ? What can a religious faction such as the Jewish Faith have , that causes this resistance to all of them ?
+Gianfranco Fronzi I know exactly, it's the fake jews, the synagogue of Satan as the bible says & jesus Christmas called the doctrine of the elders......The Catholic Church is under their same spell, they hijacked the judeo Christian faith & costantine mixed the pagan belief with Christianity & that's why it's called the Roman Catholic church, as in it belongs to the "romans"....you guys let a poor rule in that land as if he's a god & he exercises that authority as a real life demon because where did that picture of a white jesus come from? The son of a Pope called cesare borgia & if I'm not mistaken it was Michaelangelo that painted that wannabe jesus Christmas that fooled the world into believing that the Romans were semi gods.....anyways that popes son was a dirty murderer & homosexual...go look up history, this is why catholics hate to hear the real truth because it's evil & exposes their nasty agenda......that's why the Catholic Church is losing members......The truth is setting people free...Rome will fall & so will all your lies, fantasies & pride.
+king bibibear Are you a Jew
+king bibibear ?
Are you a spokesman for the Jewish faith ?
If you are ?
You see what you've written ?
An Italian wouldn't write that crap .
Pushing out all the goodness in the world .
You're provoking me .
Well , I'd like to tell you a little about me .
I was born an Italian Catholic .
Until my teens my mother was the only religious one in the family .
I was born with my commandments installed , so I have my personal God .
My God isn't yours or anyone else's .
I would like you to position yourself a certain way Mr. Bibibear . If you don't my beliefs are ,that you're going to Fail again .
You might have money you might have it all ?
But you haven't got what it takes .
If you aren't Jewish , I , if I was Jewish , would like to ask for an explanation from you .
Either way you're failing .
Arrivederci baby .
Gianfranco Fronzi March / 2 / 2015
+king bibibear ?
Are you a spokesman for the Jewish faith ?
If you are ?
You see what you've written ?
An Italian wouldn't write that crap .
Pushing out all the goodness in the world .
You're provoking me .
Well , I'd like to tell you a little about me .
I was born an Italian Catholic .
Until my teens my mother was the only religious one in the family .
I was born with my commandments installed , so I have my personal God .
My God isn't yours or anyone else's .
I would like you to position yourself a certain way Mr. Bibibear . If you don't my beliefs are ,that you're going to Fail again .
You might have money you might have it all ?
But you haven't got what it takes .
If you aren't Jewish , I , if I was Jewish , would like to ask for an explanation from you .
Either way you're failing .
Arrivederci baby .
Gianfranco Fronzi March / 2 / 2015
+king bibibear Mr. bibibear Rome isn't in Rome .Rome is in the hearts and minds of an entire planet .From its ancient beginnings , it was an idea , one that opened itself to anyone that wanted to be in it .They at least had something to offer a barbaric world .The idea was so good , everyone else wanted to be like it .Rome the city may fall but the idea will never fall .And its children will destroy beyond any weaponry the ones that try .Don't rattle a sleeping giant , you'll think the German Nazis were your saviors .You can take that to the Bank .
+Gianfranco Fronzi rome=Babylon, mystery religion...btw, your little threat was pathetic & kinda cute-ish...go home to your mom/wife.
+king bibibear I'm not threatening .
I'm warning .
You are the victims of your own ego .
But your ego isn't fueled by your God or any phony achievements , but by a golden calf .
I'm warning .
You are the victims of your own ego .
But your ego isn't fueled by your God or any phony achievements , but by a golden calf .
+king bibibear Alright king , the Lion sleeps tonight .
And my devil daddy won't be as nice as you've been .
My lost arrogant wanderer .
And my devil daddy won't be as nice as you've been .
My lost arrogant wanderer .
+Gianfranco Fronzi lost?....who's culture steals others identity to make theirs more relevant?.....a culture of thugs so scared to be themselves that they hide behind masks & masquerade as saviors....As if we don't know that white jesus of yours is really cesare Borgia...guess what?.....The world is awakening to your lies & deceit......
+king bibibear What could anybody be hiding from ? And what identity did anybody steal ?
No we're waking up to you and it's not a pretty sight .
No we're waking up to you and it's not a pretty sight .
+danielsnem Why does this line about , not being proud of being Italian , but proud to be a Jew keep coming up in this comment thread ?Are we a threat to your secular cold personalities ? Because being Italian is being a citizen of a country . Being a Jew is being a member of a religious cult .
+Gianfranco Fronzi being Italian is being a part of a legacy of oppressors....which is soon to fall.
+king bibibear Well then we fall in the shade .
Of what ? People loving Italy too much ?
Or Jewish jealousy ?
Of what ? People loving Italy too much ?
Or Jewish jealousy ?
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+king bibibearI'm not threatening .
I'm warning .
You are the victims of your own ego .
But your ego isn't fueled by your God or any phony achievements , but by a golden calf .
+king bibibearI'm not threatening .
I'm warning .
You are the victims of your own ego .
But your ego isn't fueled by your God or any phony achievements , but by a golden calf .
Rome is in the hearts and minds of an entire planet .
From its ancient beginnings , it was an idea , one that opened itself to anyone that wanted to be in it .
They at least had something to offer a barbaric world .
The idea was so good , everyone else wanted to be like it .
Rome the city may fall but the idea will never fall .
And its children will destroy beyond any weaponry the ones that try .
Don't rattle a sleeping giant , you'll think the German Nazis were your saviors .
You can take that to the Bank .
+cliff curtis Good questions Mr.curtis .
Why would you build something that serves no purpose , no roof to say it's a dwelling , no areas for defense , nothing but these walls .
I've been thinking , could the way the stones are cut to join actually be writing , and the wall is a book . Otherwise the way to cut and lay stone is like brickwork , similar sizes , staggered one on top of each other , like a modern brick wall . I'm sure getting complicated like these difficult structure has a reason . The uncanny thing is that it's been used all over the planet , in Egypt , In central and south America , and most surprising of all , on Easter Island .
This has to tell us there was a pandemic society that even touched an isolated island . Or there was a wondering gang of stonemasons ? That built for the sake of building ?