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Thursday, March 26, 2015

It better be .

1. Reply to " What ISIS really Wants " entry in The Atlantic media .

Sandy your entry on why we post sent me on a mission , to deeply consider why I post .
The only reason I post is the unshakable reason I started posting .
Now I really believe this , and am suffering for it .
The reason is , that I feel I'm actually doing good .
Now I can't check the truth of every news or petition , but their disclaimers might as well be written on toilet paper .
I expect it to be true !
And it better be .
Because if I write something anywhere on the net I expect true reports , and my words secure .
Otherwise we're just propaganda tools .
We must not have to be vigilant , and we can't be overwritten or false witnessed by the whole system , all the way from your computer to this entry I'm making now . Otherwise shut it down , because it's not an infallible entity , it can die as fast as it came , by not securing itself .

Gianfranco Fronzi.   March . 26 / 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Comments . March / 22 / 2015

1. Re . Israel giving Peace and it's reactions .

Why do you not try it ? Then the world will only have one choice , to destroy the attackers of a people that have extended their hands in peace . That would not be ww3 , and would be short . But I think this goes deeper than just land claims ? It's intertwined with United States  influence in the area ? Israel in that case is being an outpost and a patsy for their big brother ? Well surprise , they don't need big oil anymore . Goodbye , you sold out a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage .

2. Re. Posted this clip on ISIS debate .
In a letter the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him wrote:
"This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt
Christianity, near and far, we are with them.
Verily I, the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are
my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them.
No compulsion is to be on them.
Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries.
No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it
to the Muslims’ houses.
Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God’s covenant and disobey His
Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that
they hate.
No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight.
The Muslims are to fight for them.
If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her
approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray.
Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing
them nor the sacredness of their covenants.
No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the
world). "

3. Re. my story. posted in Israel vs. Muslims debate .
A true story .
One night from outside my window , I heard automobile doors slamming and someone making a ruckus outside .
Upon looking outside , in the night , I saw a character in a rush , threw something onto my fenced yard and walk away towards a neighbors house .
I yelled out hey ? What do you think your doing ?
He yelled back , nothing why ?
 I said , you threw  something onto my yard .
He said no I didn't .
Which I responded yes you did ?
He replied , well why don't you stop hiding behind your window and come out here and do something about it ?
My ego flared .
I started with , If I come out there , I'm going too ?
Then I stopped , before it escalated , into battle , and thought .
What am I saying ?
I believe in peace and sanity , yet I'm ready to fight , over something that really isn't threatening except in our words .
 I then said , No I don't wish to fight , and said have a good evening .
With this statement of changing position . The ball was now in his hands to toss back at me .
But he was left dumbfounded , and wordless , and now had to reassess his position .
Of which he responded , alright I apologize , and the whole problem was gone .
The world became a better place and a review of my and my opponents sanity and civility was suddenly in need .
Wouldn't this be similar a situation here with these two opposing factions ?

4. Youtube time debate .
dhvsheabdh The laws of the subject aren't mathematical , and the evidence isn't derived from being an " accordance ", if it was we wouldn't be in debate right now . I believe my position , but you question yours , by not having proper mathematics to prove it ? 
Yet mechanically all possibilities work .

5. ISIS , comment on ISIS debate .

Hello . I would like to thank ISIS for killing themselves . Not attacking America or Israel , and wearing balaclavas . The threats of stealing vehicles and running people over , along with destroying crops is showing your greatness . Keep doing what we want for us . And then when you're done we'll take care of your spiritual needs . We're tired of having to ship armies around so we just plop balaclavas on anybody give them a few bucks and they do it for us . Economical no? You know what's worse than a balaclava wearing murderer ? A bored religious country . Now entertainment is expensive , so you're cheaper . We though want to see how your going to make friends when we can't see your faces , I'm sure your not going to find sympathizers without showing how good you look ? Can you be trusted to work at fast food outlets later ? Is what I'd be worried about ? After being charged for hijacking a car ? And killing defenseless people ? Your whole resume sucks , so how is anybody going to hire you after your times up ?
And your time will run out when your ability to turn sand into a religious picture of true morality and perseverance . Religion is a poor state of affairs especially when you put guns and misdirection in it's hands . It just seems to bight back and abandons the gun toting prophets .
So open another keg of  lemon juice and get out the paper cups because I'm sure there's a party later ? What are they called again ?

6. Reply to being called Anti-Semitic , in Netanyahu retracts two government state .

If I was anti anything I'd be mentioning events that aren't from the source themselves . No I'm just stating what I see and hear and read . And the piece from the old testament is from the historical recount of the tribulations of the Jewish People . Put down your gold and pick up your hearts , brush them off a bit and then extend your hand and commit to the only future any sane faction of humanity could . Why do you as a faction think you have the rite to act bellicose against or for any other faction that is within your influence . You can't buy integrity .
But you have to earn it . You had it after WW2 , we were ready to die for you , now we're dying because of you .
You think you own America ? America is using you as a post and excuse for what they want .
Well surprise they don't want that anymore .
You can now get in line with all the rest of the organizations that want our approval and resources . But we're not playing a bit part for free and we'd like some respect from our efforts . Meaning we would like the ancient credo of the America we fought to keep , " Freedom ",
For all , and no tampering or uncivil actions by America or anyone or anything  within our influence . Therefore changes must start within before they can be exported to the rest .

7. Big Think , reply to individuals needs .
Individualism is needed , but it's the position the individuals take towards society that denotes the individuals thought as desirable . We have to learn how to temper ego with logical consideration for all things effected by an undesirable way of thought .

8. Baby Elephant video .
Hilarious .
I could watch a baby Elephant Play all day .
Their attack at life and persistence to live .
All acquired from a good upbringing .
In this video though is an action that is easily missed .
I assume the mother of the toddler and also possibly an aunt , check the knot of the rope holding the tire ?
Probably thinking that if possible , they'd release the tire , so the little one can run with it .
Their incredible dexterity , And sensitivity of their trunk quickly calculated it wasn't possible .

9. Re. post on other blog something to believe in.
Perimeter plebs .

War .
I believe it's the most eye catching entries in any media ?

It catches the eye and the imaginations of our species .

What would life be without a fight ?

Let's answer this by asking yourself this question , bear with me for just a tiny bit to set this up , but it'll be worth it .

War , always needed oppositions  .
If you take this as true , then any oppositions  can be used as examples of the same process ,

"Opposition ".
Let's take your bodies defenses ?
They are defending an  " Attacked "by some grave disease .
You really don't feel don't feel good  .
Can you remember a time when you really haven't felt good ?
Alright ?
When we think of " War " , though , it's only felt when you directly and  personally are,

 "Effected" ,    by the spread of something that eventually , will destroy everything .
Alright ?
 Then imagine being cured from this grave disease , your strength back , your thinking clearly .

 "And nothing but life is in your way" .
Now do you see and feel , the power , the freedom , of collectively , deciding , Ah ? 

I , at this era , have decided that combat  isn't a logical solution to a , " Fluid Existence ".
I would like existence to come before Victory , or Defeat .
Is this as plain as I can push it ?
Call me peacenik , better though would be , Economist

10. Moose .
Our beloved moose is obviously not gaining ground in the lower ranges , as stated .
I'm surprised the moose held in Michigan at all , because it was reintroduced ?
This population is the one that will show any natural problems being the most smaller and southern one .
Good work Michigan , keep an eye out , because this could be a first indication of a problem that could effect us .

March / 20 / 2015 .

11. China showing their humanity . good stuff .

The Chinese nation has heard our positions and taken the first steps in eliminating the Ivory trade .
Thank you Peoples of China , and welcome home .
Now the other portions of the illegal and immoral trade have to be introduced , that being , enforcement , and finally , permanent anti Ivory laws .
Together we might come out of this ? Alone is a bad way to die , just ask the abandoned and brokenhearted calves that , DSWTKENYA , doesn't find ?

12 . Into the mystic .
I too sense something is coming . What I don't know yet ?
But it seems to veer towards our social dependencies of religion , energy , and politics .
I believe we're walking on a fine edge , we can either fall one way , and go into a dark age .
Or we could use our technology and common sense to cast away all the foolishness of our barbaric past .
And format life to be as close to perfect as the other species here have .
Either scenario , for me personally , having lived a good life , I'm reaching my waning years , and am ready for the worst .
It would be a blow to the youth that still hasn't lived long enough to have experienced a full life .
Hopefully we're developed enough to accept only the truth , as a large disbursed population ?
I believe we are ?
 Maybe ? Maybe ? We can put ourselves into the mystic ?

13 . Re. Cops busting black chic .
There's only one thing these officials didn't do ; they should have gotten a female officer to be present . While they were out of cameras view she could have said that they made improper hand movements . Otherwise her urgent need for removing lip jewelry was an overdrawn need that the officers said they'd do if she would only comply . It obviously didn't effect her lips to the point of not using them ?

14. Netanyahu fucked up .

I'm definitely not impressed by Netanyahu . And the President Obama's words , if they were actually spoken , are the proper ones . Just look at the support for President Obama in the comments , this is what the world wants to hear , pride in their leadership . It says usually that , at the very least , that the correct solutions are expressed . How does a country with it's hand out expect to live like a drug addicted son that keeps wanting more money , and won't find a job ?

Well I've got a more pressing poor group to direct , how many billions ?
Try the people of the United States , they don't have health care or paid abortions . Do you see the insanity of it ? Sure you could indicate the difference in population ? But the billions should cover way more than a country the size of Israel needs . No , that money is going to the Israeli military along with free health care .

15. Climate rant.
I'm watching and weighing the climate changing Causes and their shelf life . The turn to cheaper and better sources of renewable energy , that leaves no or very little foot print , is , coming along quite nicely . It should overshadow carbon fuels just before irreparable climate is achieved . Any legislation that impedes it because of the oil industries corruptive behavior  ,  will be found as a law of imposition , and should be easily removed by non corruptible courts . " The court of public pressure" . Such as a woman being fined for living off grid in , you guessed it , Florida , the " Sunshine State " .

16. Rant.
Friends have different properties , but you have to stay the same for all of them . Otherwise when they talk they'll consider you to be a phony liar , then their properties will change . But they couldn't if you were a Rock , instead of a Stone . I know it's hard to not divulge sometimes and it's human nature ? A built in hurdle to make more controllable each friend . What we accept as parameters of friendship is the hinge . Believe me it's much better to give space to yourself otherwise they'll raise your taxes and shorten your lot . Just remember they are hanging on your every word . So give them the barefaced truth , but be ready to take it . It hurts both ways , but if you hear of bad press on you , you will be exactly that press , unless you either stand up for yourself verbally or by actions towards proof , that will be the press that will go onward . Indicators will flash in and out of your constant nagging to yourself that we all go through . Once you've finalized your investigation of the reason you were stumped on this nag then you can judge its need for attention  , as in someone questions an action that you haven't done , well where does something similar occur in your search then the equation is easily solved  . Then you've got to put a timer into place , you can't just run around yelling " I didn't do it ." No when the time comes it's a beautiful thing . And it always does . But do you notice your best friends are usually your childhood friends ? That's because I assume , they are more familiar to you after years of interplay . And they are familiar with you .

17. Israeli rant .

I'm not a racist and come from an era that fought for peace , but does anybody notice Israel hasn't used any military other than towards unarmed civilians . Why do they require billions of dollars from the United States , when the States are doing and dying for them ?
This is the 100 billion dollar question .

What this reeks of is something MacDhomhaill can't handle .
The truth .
I'm not anti anything , that's good .
And I've left the decisions up to Israelis peers . The rest of the friggen world .
No , the golden calf is in historical Jewish words , known throughout the world . Do you think they want to take those words back ?
Like Mr. Netanyahu has quickly done today ?
This isn't a schoolyard , and real people , most not Jewish are dying because of them , like 911 , and all the wars Israel gets other countries to fight .
If you think I'm a classification , like Progressive Lefty that's intelligent , are you implying everyone else is stupid ?
Sure I'll give you a break , when the people of the middle east can sleep at night , knowing they all count .
Otherwise stand up to our judgment , a judgment from the heart of the matter , whether it be from your deep pockets , or your shallow respect for the rest of the world .
You'll notice you're the only conflict on the planet today .

18.My murdered children .

Hello , My name is Gianfranco Fronzi .
I've been a biker most of my life .
I've always had a special bond and ability to know the language of most species .
Here's my story .
I had two Pit Bull terrier breed family members , they were my friends and family .
One was Leo a full grown male Staffordshire , a beautiful specimen , that I'd gotten full grown because of his intolerance to other male dogs and certain other animals .
And his daughter Penny ,which was a pup but was dedicated to protecting me and Leo to the point of stomping on ants if one was coming towards us .
It took some time to get to know Leo but his violence I did logically get a grip on and when I saw a male dog coming towards us [​ before Penny ], I'd squat down and whisper to him , You don't have to do this Leo , I'll take care of you , just relax , and I slowly got to him , and he became civil .
I was probably the only person that could have reached such an intelligent and proud entity such as him . The experience was one of the most rewarding in my life .
Then we mated him with a female and had pups , we made sure all the pups went to good homes but Penny didn't want to go , she wanted to stay with us and I kept her .
Then came the law in Ontario to genocide the breed .
They put all kinds of restrictions on the breed , all geared to destroying the breed from the province .
Nobody did as the law required and most people still don't .
Yet this happened .
It was a beautiful fall morning , I had been up all night working on bikes and thought they'd need a good run outside free and open .
This is one of the laws restrictions all must be leashed .
I went with them in my truck to a wooded area at the top of my street , I laid in  the grass and let them run .
For some reason Leo wouldn't leave my side as Penny ran about .
I noticed that she wasn't about so Leo and I went looking for her .
I then heard growls from the adjacent street .
When Leo and I came out of the trees what we saw was an older lady with a leashed German Shepherd type dog which was attacking Penny [ I have no doubt Penny approached them first being protective ] .
The Shepherd pulled the old lady off of her feet .In his attack on Penny .
Leo upon seeing this reared up on his hind legs and proceeded to run to her aid .
I ran with him yelling no but he reached the other dog and again reared up on his hind legs to attack but I grabbed his leash from behind and held him back .
The Shepherd then came up for his throat and their clasps hooked together .
Leo then stopped I having him still up in the air , but I had to subdue the shepherd with my foot , the lady was still recovering and yelling for me to not hurt  her dog .
Everything stopped with Leo sitting waiting and the Shepherd struggling against the clasps .
I then asked the lady to reach down and unclasp them , which she did .
I apologized and asked for mercy for my dogs and she said she knew my relationship with animals and if I paid for any damages it would be alright .So we went home .
The next day a swat team with the humane society came for my dogs .
I wouldn't give them up , but called a friend who I knew had a relative in the humane society , he returned the call saying that his relative was coming herself and that my dogs would be held overnight and I'd get them back when everything was revealed .
Later that night my friend a criminal drug dealing thief , called and said , " Here's the deal , you sign papers to killing the dogs and we'll drop all charges on you ".
Well I hadn't been charged , no charges were ever laid , and my friend was a police informer that played both criminal and informant .
I fought in courts for two years , without being able to see my dogs .
I never saw them free again .
The courts didn't care and the humane society banned me from their property , they didn't care either .
A biker with two Staffordshire's had to be guilty and they casually murdered them .
I don't lie , and this is what happened , it almost killed me .
I can't explain what I still feel years later , but something that has blood on the hands of the authorities and all who destroyed two intelligent and personable creatures , happened .
What can I say but why ? How ?
Who ?
Sure I made a new lawless act but Pitt Bulls to this day run free and are being mated to make more pups the law only saw me and my dogs as threats .
I'd stroke the humane society off your list of animal lovers they're just animal executioners.
And my family my friends murdered in cold blood .
Not yet , not yet .
Ginfranco Fronzi .
Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Canada .
4 Labelle Avenue .

19. Message sent to me by dna expert .

DNA code, you will see the amino acids and their arrangements in a 64 entry chart. The code is essentially the same for all living things. DNA codes are not based on ones and zeros like computer code. DNA contains a protein code for living things, not machines, but it operates like software information. The codes implanted in DNA are passed from parents to their children.