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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

" From Many Come None , From None Come Many "

" From Many Come None , From None Come Many "
         Gianfranco Fronzi . November / 25 / 2014
There is only two ways of viewing your belief , one is by hearing another person offer to question them or the use of drugs .
Marijuana is an essential in mankind's path to the truth . 
It isn't for everyone , and it has a start up confusion and paranoia , but once mastered it opens portals to way's of thought that are dimensional .
I'm positive it had a great effect on our development .
I've been a user for forty five years , and I can't say it's done me any damage at all ? If anything it's done me good , to the point that I wouldn't be writing this .
Who grabs so much power as to impose on our God given rites to use anything that is natural and part of my home ?
Planet Earth .
Welcome Home .


You're right but the human response is not as honest as the Elephant , the elephant seems to accept every other elephant or other species with a heartfelt acceptance . They are true civil citizens . The Humans are usually social because of a personal agenda . The elephant is usually just glad to meet you .
I believe most experts in elephant husbandry will tell you of this creatures ability to foretell and deduce what is going on around them . Stupid without sense they definitely aren't , they are too civil to survive . We as humans have to hold to our beliefs of returning respect to those that respect and believe in us . In history we've done atrocities to ourselves , how is a gentle giant like the elephant going to fare in our presence ? Lets all keep our love for these animals as humane as possible because humane is more than they give us .
"The day will come when men such as I look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men." - Leonardo Da Vinci

You talking to me again ? You know while the drool runs down your chin , you're falling apart like somebodies demented grandmother . You threaten people and boast of your ability to be violent , does that sound like a person with acceptance in mind ? If your gay don't you want people to like you ? It doesn't seem so  ?
Calling commenters bitches is really cool , I'm sure you're the man ? Whatever or whomever your agenda is trying to corrupt we'd form an agreement by talking as civil men and women .
Don't you think ?
You talking to me again ? You know while the drool runs down your chin , you're falling apart like somebodies demented grandmother .
Daniela Jarošová The internet is also corruptible , it too is a " Media " .
Yet it is the answer . we just have to use it hoping our servers are doing just that serving . I don't even know if you'll really get to read this ? SO we've got to realize that we've got to know as much about the internet as they do . 
Also adopting the currencies on the net or forming a new international currency through the internet would help us break free from the grip of the global money barons . Find our best geeks and have them set up a money system  that is reliable . Or perhaps have the internet giants , who have no borders make the currency themselves ?  
I'll try and simplify this video ; ok sit in your command center , pull out that funny cigarette from out of your fake coke can and take quick shallow puffs , when your about full of smoke and you're about to cough , sit down and crank up this tune .
It's all you're gonna need .
You know we Americans are pretty hard on ourselves , I'm just as guilty , I starting searching my memory for an American feat of similar proportions .
I've got to admit , this homebuilt helicopter is a nice design , and a true feat of making such a genius helicopter .
Not only is it assembled , it actually handles and fly's excellently .
What you usually see is at least a little imbalance , or the pilot gets injured when something gives .
If what I see here is true ? Which I find instant maneuverability a little phony ,
This is one of the best home built I've seen .
Bravo .
I used to hunt , but I don't need the meat , so I don't .
But shooting what's becoming rare , a Moose and leaving it to rot , is a crime we've got to take seriously .
Just turning our heads when we can make good for a good Canadian Animal isn't ratting out .
Definition of Ratting out ; " When you are involved or somehow aligned to the perpetration of a crime , and you turn in your fellow criminals , you're a rat ".
" But if your not involved in a crime and you feel your input is needed , or the crime has been done to you , and you report it , You're not a rat ".
So who'll speak for this Moose ?
Do we want the police to be paid , and then if you're , robbed , beaten , bothered by criminals , you don't want to use them because of what the criminals might think ?
Well then You're a coward or a fool .
This is hard to like , cause we've all slapped a dog or used other methods of control , like yelling . But if you'll notice the harmony within a household  shows in the pets smile . Denoting everything is just fine .
Gianfranco Fronzi . November /25 / 2014