You know Im not even a U.S. citizen and this touches me because here in Canada we are only a stones throw away and are deeply informed , but this thing is just too much for us even . I'm not dictating what the United States should implement but a certain amount of public office experience should be required , In a way i feel for President Trump , this has got to be taking a toll on him , but just a few words like , "People of the United States I have decided that this office is a little more than i expected , and I would like to give you a chance of picking amongst you a politician that could do what I overwhelmingly am having at my age a hard time keeping up ". Just look at the amount of flying he is doing , even though he gets the best care , that much flying takes a toll . Well I hope the best for the United States and would like to see a more stable and predictable country .
This is complete insanity , Iran wasn't doing anything wrong , it was sticking to the contract , that idiot tore it up for no reason , I agree with the Iranians they are mentally ill in the United States . History will not forget what is happening here and if that is making the United States great again you are nuts the United States has reached a new low .
My vision is from contemplation which I do while I'm doing something else , but eerily sometimes it is spot on .
I have been noticing , through observation and actions of world leaders an eerie trail leading to an even more eerie end .
What I'm seeing is a global form of right wing governing and they are connected ,and seem to want to take over and subjugate the people.
I'm almost convinced that Trump has delayed the attack on Iran because he is waiting for his smear campaign on Trudeau to put the conservatives in parliament .
Then we would be drawn into the war because they will follow their conservative leaders , Trump and also Putin of Russia , our good name would be added to a murderous action .
They then will fake a solar flare attack and shut down power and communication systems including the internet , thus throwing us into a dark age where they will only rule. They can do this using ground based EMP cannons .
I've been watching their actions and meetings and something is not right , leading me to this possible vision .
I am not liberal but I definitely am not conservative .
Is this the end times or the end of a way of life ?
Beware fellow Canadians don't hand us over to Nazi United States.
Stay Canadian , like Chretien staying out of their bullshit search for weapons of mass destruction , he saved our good name .
Then the bush bootlicker Harper tore it down .
Gianfranco Fronzi
July 2 / 2019
I can't believe what I just saw ? Doesn't Trump have any sense at all ?
You know Im not even a U.S. citizen and this touches me because here in Canada we are only a stones throw away and are deeply informed , but this thing is just too much for us even . I'm not dictating what the United States should implement but a certain amount of public office experience should be required , In a way i feel for President Trump , this has got to be taking a toll on him , but just a few words like , "People of the United States I have decided that this office is a little more than i expected , and I would like to give you a chance of picking amongst you a politician that could do what I overwhelmingly am having at my age a hard time keeping up ". Just look at the amount of flying he is doing , even though he gets the best care , that much flying takes a toll . Well I hope the best for the United States and would like to see a more stable and predictable country .
This is complete insanity , Iran wasn't doing anything wrong , it was sticking to the contract , that idiot tore it up for no reason , I agree with the Iranians they are mentally ill in the United States . History will not forget what is happening here and if that is making the United States great again you are nuts the United States has reached a new low .
My vision is from contemplation which I do while I'm doing something else , but eerily sometimes it is spot on .
I have been noticing , through observation and actions of world leaders an eerie trail leading to an even more eerie end .
What I'm seeing is a global form of right wing governing and they are connected ,and seem to want to take over and subjugate the people.
I'm almost convinced that Trump has delayed the attack on Iran because he is waiting for his smear campaign on Trudeau to put the conservatives in parliament .
Then we would be drawn into the war because they will follow their conservative leaders , Trump and also Putin of Russia , our good name would be added to a murderous action .
They then will fake a solar flare attack and shut down power and communication systems including the internet , thus throwing us into a dark age where they will only rule. They can do this using ground based EMP cannons .
I've been watching their actions and meetings and something is not right , leading me to this possible vision .
I am not liberal but I definitely am not conservative .
Is this the end times or the end of a way of life ?
Beware fellow Canadians don't hand us over to Nazi United States.
Stay Canadian , like Chretien staying out of their bullshit search for weapons of mass destruction , he saved our good name .
Then the bush bootlicker Harper tore it down .
Gianfranco Fronzi
July 2 / 2019
I can't believe what I just saw ? Doesn't Trump have any sense at all ?
He walks up to the border and the Korean leader we can hear insults from him to Trump . Then they walk a bit and he is lead back out , wouldn't a dignitary like Trump be given at least a chair or a drink , I think anyone else would ? Trump is such a I know , fool that he doesn't see the insult ?
This Kim guy hates him and nothing is accomplished but the fool got his I'm the first to do it . Yep if your President is an asshole the United States is an asshole to .
Dan Travaglini Dan I will . I had inherited a beautiful staffordshire bull terrier , he had a bad rap but I got to him and we were the best teem . A friend of mine had a female that was in heat , now this is all before the pitt bull laws , well we breed them and got six puppies it was like i had a family and it was an amazing experience . We slowly found good homes for them all accept for the girl that didn't want to leave her home and her dad . So I kept her , she was so protective of me and her Dad that she would step on ants if they were crawling towards us . One beautiful fall day i thought they would enjoy a walk so i took them up my street at bush by Mount Ste. Joseph . Leo my male somehow already knew and he wouldn't leave my side , the had just been passed but like any new law nobody was doing anything about it . So we are in the bush enjoying the sun and Leo still wouldn't leave my side , I noticed Penny my six month female wasn't around , I heard growling from the road and me and Leo ran out to see Penny being tossed back by a German shepherd , well when Leo saw that he reared up on his back legs and charged I ran with him and managed to grab his collar , the shepard came up for his throat , and the latches on both collars became locked together . So here I am with two dogs locked together and an old lady . I had to keep them separated and Leo was following my order and being a good boy , but the shepherd i had to put my foot on its head to keep him away , they were still locked together , so as I held them apart I asked the lady if she would unlatch them and she did . Well I apologized and asked her if there is any damage I would pay for them and to please not call the police because of the new law . She said everyone knows how much you love your dogs and she would be in touch . So when I got home I called a , what I thought was a friend who had a relative who worked for the humane society , he told me he will call me back . What I didn't know was he was a police informant trying to bust the drug community . He called me and said my relative herself was going to my house and she's got to take them and they would probably be given back to me tomorrow , she came and I handed her the dogs thinking they would be returned the next day . It was the last time I saw them alive . They had a court case and the old ladies story was two pitt bulls came out of the bush and attacked her dog , and she doesn't remember me being there at all , when I asked her if she remembers me asking her to unlatch the dogs she said i was too frightened and all I know is two pitt bulls attacked my dog , even though she couldn't tell me what type of dog was in a photo i had of a pitt . The judge and crown at the end geared and giggled at me as they passed the death sentence . In one last shot I asked for an appeal and I guess I they had to give it to me ? It was of no use my family my friends spent two years in a double grade cage , and their bodies were handed to me for burial . It was so hard on me that I almost died myself in those two years and the shock lasted much longer . So there you go good luck .
This showing how weak Trump is and if the president is weak so is the country . If this was ancient Rome the insult would cause a blood bath . Nobody kills a Roman citizen or someone in employ of Rome .
Gianfranco Fronzi Dan TravagliniDan he is the best this is all a smear campaign paid by what is a global right wing collusion , headed by Trump and Putin , they are waiting for Canada to go conservative so they can have us to go to war , they won't start the war till they've got our good name along with them , spread this . They are also preparing to cut us apart a in the dark with a phony solar flair , then no contact no internet . Tell everyone .
Does anything acting as both a particle and a wave make sense to you ? If it does try waving a particle , then particle a wave . Thank You .
Jee i wish you were all here , then we could rant about the corruption we've seen , or the way we were treated , yea you could look and talk about anything but how about taking , now I'm talking about intelligent conversation , no booze , a tiered amount of the persons drug of choice , can't do that to people their drug of choice is how they create the persona they want to speak the words that they feel powerful about . Don't think that we can actually pull this off without getting stoned once and awhile , and everyone has a drug of choice , it takes many forms , from money , to authority powers and of course substances themselves . So don't feel weird because we are one big family and civility works on most people .
Gianfranco Fronzi
July /27 /2019
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