I know this sounds dangerous , but it can't get any worse .
Why don't we all sign and date our ballots at voting ?
The anonymous voting is where the kink in the system creates the flaw .
If you're afraid to sign your ballot , imagine how afraid you'll be with a cheating corrupt government working against you . America land of the fee , and home of the slave .
Every time I watch a Alec Jones video I leave it with nothing . Calling China what ? Blind or blibed , this is almost treasonous to the rest of America ? Saying
" as everybody knows China can be [ blind , blibed ,bribed ] ?
Your calling what could be our worst nightmare , a goof , an easy mark ?
Well thanks , now we're going to get wide open truth .
I apologize for this China , it's not the peoples feelings , we are in administration of your abilities .
The only part of this video is the dangers of sex as a weapon , what guy is going to think straight when he's got the cutest little blond giving him attention ? But aren't these people in sensitive positions trained in that trick , James Bond was ?
You guys with your bunkers are talking pretty high for those that could die out in the open . I suggest less talk and more tactics . Because it's the politicians that have to play the game , but the games mustn't have one winner , if you're at home , deserve to be there , wherever , In Russia , in the Crimea , in China , in America , then what is the fighting about ? Property ?
Well over property disputes we use lawyers not armies .
That's part of the problem I believe in the biblical line about the rich guy getting into heaven ?
It's because the poor are so civil that they endure all that is out of their control .
And the responsibility of the rich to take a more serious approach to the effects their money has on the rest of humanity .
Money isn't power , " money is the ability to buy power ".
We're either one , or we're falling separately .
With the one able to be flagrant with power having a deeper fall .
+gary sturgis Mr. Sturgis I didn't know about googles terrible translation on g+ .
If this gets to you , there's an answer I think google should answer ? Why ?
Is the search engine giant threatened by a simple mechanic from northern Ontario ?
+Rob Bowes Mr. Bowes your a quick wit . This whole thread is hilarious , as well as enlightening . Yes we will also argue on something that is being created outside of reality , by us .
Definitely asking the question " is God just an Argument "?
Hello .
I do believe in an Intelligent Energy .
I believe it loves it's assembly [ life , mankind ] ?
And I believe that , if we sense it so well that we realize it ?
I believe , God does owe the creation an explanation .
Don't you ?
Pain ? It's because we like it .
I do believe in an Intelligent Energy .
I believe it loves it's assembly [ life , mankind ] ?
And I believe that , if we sense it so well that we realize it ?
I believe , God does owe the creation an explanation .
Don't you ?
Pain ? It's because we like it .
" Fronzi Approved " , This is my favorite video of all time .
I would like to dedicate this video to all the Lions that were killed for sport , subjugated into Zoos , Circuses , Cages , and canned hunts . I would like to say I Apologize for mankind Leo Pantera . You are an honor to have cohabitate the same planet .
Someday we'll get it right and you won't have to fear us anymore . I only hope your species survive our encroachment . If not you will be the topic at dinner tables at night , " How the King of all the Beasts became a Legend " .
This picture of the emaciated black boy . Some will just look at it unthinkingly . Yet this isn't how this boy has to be , this planet has more than enough food and resources to include everyone on it . You've got to ask yourself if the boy is born here on earth , be he of any race or region , don't we want the best for him , so that we can get the best from him . Every living thing has something to add , whether it be bumping into you on the street , or possibly adding something unknown or unseen to the existence of the whole . No , not this boy you say ? Well then which one ?
Themplar , I apologize for carrying this topic further but your knowing the speed of the Milky way , how can we know the speed when we don't even know what direction we're going ?
Do you see ?
10. I've never heard of the word sonder , but I sure won't soon forget it .
It's a new word but it's basically how I've lived life into my sentient years .
I've studied the quest for a word to sum up the entire human existence .
I apologize for using this venue , but it's the only one I've come upon with a single word definition .
My word is , " Balance ".
It's a new word but it's basically how I've lived life into my sentient years .
I've studied the quest for a word to sum up the entire human existence .
I apologize for using this venue , but it's the only one I've come upon with a single word definition .
My word is , " Balance ".
Interesting topic . I believe the entry that views a personal spiritual wave occurs , is the better description . One day the chemicals in your body say yes , the next they say no .
As creatures of high sentience , a smell , a weather pattern , any thing that we keep logged in our psyche can change the most steadfast personality .
It's too hard to keep everything to one plane of thought when you can see many to pick from , but your choice is truly yours .
Indecision is of the unenlightened , making the right decision is the enlightened . How do you reach that point .
You don't , because when you figure you've got one figured out it's too late .
But never to late to learn . So the longer you hold onto innocence as you age you'll be capable of keeping the basis of instinct coupled with knowledge and experience . Then you'll see better , you'll feel it , it's unshakable , as far as being stubborn , but righteously so .
And after a while you'll realize that keeping relative thought is temporary and will eventually make little sense . So you look for more signals and sensations .
But as any programmable assemblies must all do , you've got to shut the system down to install the updates to your awareness , then if your system isn't corrupt , and you faired a good experience you move to the place where you don't need those tactics or instruments of life , your in tune with the force .
As creatures of high sentience , a smell , a weather pattern , any thing that we keep logged in our psyche can change the most steadfast personality .
It's too hard to keep everything to one plane of thought when you can see many to pick from , but your choice is truly yours .
Indecision is of the unenlightened , making the right decision is the enlightened . How do you reach that point .
You don't , because when you figure you've got one figured out it's too late .
But never to late to learn . So the longer you hold onto innocence as you age you'll be capable of keeping the basis of instinct coupled with knowledge and experience . Then you'll see better , you'll feel it , it's unshakable , as far as being stubborn , but righteously so .
And after a while you'll realize that keeping relative thought is temporary and will eventually make little sense . So you look for more signals and sensations .
But as any programmable assemblies must all do , you've got to shut the system down to install the updates to your awareness , then if your system isn't corrupt , and you faired a good experience you move to the place where you don't need those tactics or instruments of life , your in tune with the force .
If everybody educated on the matter had any assumption , instead of moving with , now you say , "evidence based model " ? There's less evidence in your base model than even your so called giant smurf theory ? Well I don't want to step on the toes of so many sheep but there isn't any evidence at all or you would have given me a final word that coagulates or relates to any big bang . So in the box thinking is the only answer because the box sounds nice ?
Well let me just give you an example of how out of it your in the box thinking can be nuked .
If the universe derived from a singularity and is expanding away from it , all significant assemblies of matter would be doing a movement away from themselves , agreed ?
Well how do you explain galactic collisions ?
Last word . I'm amazed ?
You call me a nut , and you actually believe what your spewing ? I will never see the day that snake oil isn't sold and obviously bought ?
If anyone with qualifications , I mean qualifications , told you , sit down son , I'm going to explain to you how we came to be .
First there was in the deep nothingness of nothingness , a singularity , a dot about the size of a poppy seed , then from this dot , which was like Aladdin's lamp and jam packed with everything , well it exploded , well not exploded , but kind of shot out in every direction .
You still follow me son ?
Well everything , and we can measure this with gravitomitors , and microwave recoil waves , is expanding outward and away from the area the , well lets call it the " Big Bang " , but it wasn't a bang , well it's in the proof , found in all these books and papers from all kinds of experts .
Yep , that's what happened .
You can believe what you want , but your thinking is too realistic and simple , our confused singularity that didn't big bang , but sort of just started migrating outward , probably more quietly than a bang , but was still noisy , probably ? No not probably , but definitely , I think ?
But you think what you want cause we're moving on , despite of you .
Oh wait a minute , there's nowhere to go ?
Because we don't have to , everything's expanding , so in a few more billion years everything will have moved so far away we'd need a old sailing map to piece at least the last billion years together . Oh yea we don't have dumb people figuring this out , we've got dumb people believing it , it doesn't matter nobody cares anyway and non of it will make sense to you now , but it will , heck maybe we'll actually know for sure . Not yet , Not yet .
She is living in her own excrement , alone for 35 years , somebody do something for this tortured soul . TANIA elephant .
This is America God damn , we were trying to help , what did we get in return ?
911. A big thank you to the rest of the guilty . But when the big white boys decide your trouble , they'll bypass government , and you'll have your mosques and your wailing walls , and your doors beaten into the earth . Both religious and regional factions better understand this , they've both become a danger to the earth . And America isn't founded by either one . Don't make them spill their beer and snacks because you'll be awakening a sloth that has no view or cares of your ways of life , but can remove it . Israel and the Muslims , beware . Now where's my beer ?
Is he creating a new war based on religious governmental beliefs by ending , " the battle has just begun "?
Why do we have to connect religion to battle , or government ?
It's not two soluble factions of society .
Groups that govern by ties to religious beliefs are the most out of line and dangerous , the hold their " good book " in one hand " and a rifle " in the other ".
17 .If you love someone don't let them go . Don't keep your enemies close . And turn the other cheek only when your assailant isn't worthy of your battle .
This is a dangerous bill because it effects me personally , I'm an Italian born Canadian , with a bill like this my ability to speak as a Canadian could cause my demise . I didn't just get my citizenship by birth , I had to buy it , with blood sweat and tears . I strongly think that if the government doesn't need now I can now be removed , well thanks , I won't remember Canada as the Canada I loved .
+khatack You think that I am not capable of giving an argument because there's a mysterious side to electromagnetic , physics , or better , scientific principles . I'll do better , just send me to Mars .
Also I see the new and latest Mars rover is showing very livable results .
20 .
I apologize but I couldn't follow all of this adding and then removing of what ?
I'm having a hard time believing any person that can't just say what I feel is the right answer ? The universe , I believe , adds up to , " 0 ", I have always , from my first hearing of the energy balance that the universe , I believed adds up to "0" ?
Who ever said the universe was smooth and even , but in reality is falling but not really falling , please ?
Please stop talking before you insult us more .
Why doesn't the theory that the universe has always been here , and it is basically a huge entity , where energy from an area where it's abundant , moves to where it's needed ?
Why torture yourselves trying to explain " instant universe in a bang "?
I suddenly realized why physical work is so liberating , could you imagine basing your career on storytelling that doesn't make sense in any fricken universe ?
Gianfranco Fronzi . May . / 21 / 2014