This video is the defining one for any doubters of her learning and communicating abilities . Koko in her youth learning. She actually is surpassing her handler by shooing Penny away, because she wants to show her intelligence.Putting on makeup,using pliers and hammering.Sure she could be repeating prior actions but using tools to fashion herself is purely her own will,not a prompt,otherwise she wouldn't surpass the expected.This is groundbreaking but she needs gorillas not humans..
2. Reply to Depressed Canuck , YouTube.
Bradley i went to your page and saw that your Canadian like me . When you say America , that includes Canada . America is a pretty destructive insult to the rest of the world , maybe it's more of a weak excuse ? By wanting to help ? Oh we're so considerate . Americans don't hear what the world really thinks of us now . So yes on this new pathless America we are not a weak insult but a big bothersome one?
3. Bill Orightly , Fox News Fruit , Putting Down Guy Who's Dad Died in 911. YouTube
We aren't that stupid that we can't see what O'rightly is up to . But feigning that he's doing it in the name of the dead Father is the clincher . People like O'rightly go home after , get drunk and abuse their own . Meanwhile so concerned of the implications . Why he's on the air isn't because of his phony stance, but because of his pandering to every other phony viewer, that would like to get into his pants .
4. YouTube, 911 , replying to Jesus Freaks .
In these comments i see a lot of religious shit .About Jesus and how he's the way. Why would you bring up this stuff on a topic of national corruption ? I love the Jesus story , but i also believe it's place isn't on this page , those of you that write this religious stuff are actually harming the words of Jesus . By repeating your mental masturbation of him. I don't think you actually believe it yourselves , you just wanna abuse Jesus in ways i don't want to publish.
5. YouTube , Video Of Bush , the Smush, saying Al-Queda Put Bombs in Towers.
See Bush wasn't involved . Those sneaky Muslims did the demolition to. "This is Valuable Information For Those of Us that have to Protect The American People ".
How could you have voted this moron, who can't even have a good lie written for him , and read it back without showing he's lying , twice ? I'd be checking your voting system, it's gotta be worse than the countries you go and help with their votes ?
6. YouTube 911
Didn't Bush make a public statement that the buildings were demolished by Al-Quida , who secretly planted demolition in the buildings along with hitting them with the planes ? Thus he says " They planned it so more people would be trapped above , and die "? There you go , Bush wasn't involved , those sneaky Muslims did what nobody could . Fool the most secure and popular security system of the most powerful nation on Earth . America , you've got a real problem here,your government .
7. FaceBook , Rocco Reddi , in Trouble Again.
Ciao FacePasters , Rocco Reddi , your best friend . I've just returned from the contract disputes in Jakarta . At the huge Fronzi Mineworks . Well I'm in trouble again . At the works the Union President , a Yatti Soulolo , disappeared before contract talks . Because I cover many wings of the huge multibillion dollar worldwide Fronzi Empire , I get suspected . Of course .
In his Canadian Shield Lair , Mr. Fronzi has posted a statement .
Hello , concerned Silkworm Collectors Union Bargaining Members . I can vouch for Mr. Reddi's whereabouts during the whole negotiating process . The fact that Mr. Soulolo's Rolex Watch was found in Mr. Reddi's pocket was an obvious planting of evidence .
Therefore I Urge a Return To Work Order .
Now back down in the Silkworm Catacombs , and strip that Silk with Your little Hands.
I'm giving above the Ill fated Contract , A Five Minute Coffee Break , deducted from your 75 Canadian Cents a Day paycheck .
Who Loves You guys , Fronzi and Reddi , that's who . And just you guys , O.K..
8. YouTube , Universe
..say the term "Space Time" can only refer to one thing , still unchangeable , " The Amount Of Time Needed To move Within A Distance of Space ". Or Basically a record of Speed . Time doesn't change for any reason other than in it's Perception of It . Do you like this viewpoint ? It's the only game in town .
... mathematically judged , "Incremental Sequences of Reality ", so as to give us speed. And reference to reality that we can all read and record . Other than that , nothing . Our common Reality is being created by our common relation to time and speed.Otherwise we wouldn't see or communicate with each other.Because we'd be out of this synchronized reality , and in another sync .Speed doesn't change time,but our common relation to time creates the speed in which it's judged .To even
If you want bibliographical evidence , no i don't have it , or need it . I just ask myself the question and wait for my accumulated experience to send me a reply , usually by "Flash VISION" and Flash vision is rarely wrong , because it's running in the background eliminating all possibilities . Time, as in our recording of increments of existence. Yes. As result of relative motions in space? As in planetary or stellar recording of time ? Yes . Time isn't an effect or a cause it's a
Pardon my Arrogance , Ronolade , that is a bit too far . But if you listen , even in this video , they base proof of a theory or questionable discovery , on repeating results . I've counted the money in my pocket over and over at times , and still found one more coin after . Do you catch my drift ? I'm not a scientist, i'm a mechanic . I don't repeat my work to achieve results.My job is to make it work.These poor college trained scientific explorers need a map, i give it .Is that good science?
A hint , the physicist in this video says . " No Higgs Boson , everything would disassemble at light speed ".
Therefore " Light isn't constricted by , Higgs Boson ", find your answers .
This video confirms my doubt.The scientific community doesn't know anything , but are looking for proof of their theories.Here's your Ticket,No big Bang,Everything was and always will be here,with energy,like money,going to where it's needed.Thus no expansion of universe,but movement of energy,back and forth.The answers to your assuming theories , aren't found by looking for their existence , but where they don't exist .So find where the Higgs doesn't work or exist,i believe you already know?
Well said , but i to was like you, until i found the universe to be a lot simpler than science denotes it . The keys are in your viewpoint of it . If you stick with an exhausted and insulting viewpoint,your going nowhere.Here's your ticket," The Universe is a huge entity that channels energy where it's needed , it's not a Mathematical entity,but a Mechanical One".Do you like this?If you can see this,your in.Do you keep making terrible wine because you keep using dads terrible recipe ?
I apologize , but I've never seen such wide eyed ridiculousness . In the video and in some of these comments .How can a creature like Homo Sapiens ,even utter the words "Space Time"? Space has only one relation to time , that being the time it takes to crossover a certain part of it , non other . A warping of space , i think the warping isn't in space it's in your imagination ? Without sarcasm , your nuts .And i like the animation with every gadget we don't have a use for powering your dreams