If you don't vote they'll vote for you . America isn't blessed anymore , Would you .
If your afraid of your employees you're a coward . Cowards have no options , but to die every day .
This crap might work on an agrarian mid twentieth century society , or young unrefined minds , but not on the enlightened YouTubers . Don't worry we're here call any time .
From what I see a dumb animal abusing one of earths finest . All trade to abusing countries should stop , regulations imposed , and charges laid . Thailand is the subject of this video , Strike Thailand off the list , nothing as fine and civil as the Elephant should be subjected to incivility . Goodbye Thailand your finished .
Mike my friend , the fire at the library was of unknown origin , stupidity on who's part ? If you'll blame the Romans , they would have copied everything first and brought it to Rome . Otherwise the Romans loved the ancient ways and wouldn't destroy knowledge . No the Dark Ages killed the Stone Age .
To say we live in three dimensions therefore we can only interpret flat as the norm isn't correct . I'm sure as we go out into space we'll come upon a solar system that has one or more planets revolving 90 degrees from the others , as in , if we're flat , a planet traveling around it's star 90 degrees from center in comparison to other planets in it's system .
6.We as flesh and blood , need flesh and blood . Not as in food or nutrition , but to feel the presence of another entity , even if your in the hole in some prison , if a fly or a spider came in , I know I'd become friends with them .
I believe even pillars of societies like Geoffrey Dahmer , hugged and held his next meal for a while . That way of thought suggests that we form relationships with our food ? But isn't it so ? Don't we have relationships with everything in our lives ? Good or bad .
That suggests we're lovesick fools , hopeless Romantics looking for our next victim .
So dig in everybody , it's fast food tonight .
I'm going to present a scenario , the Greeks and Romans worked stone with even more precise assembly , and even cut into solid rock to make tunnels under mountains to shorten and make travel safer . Now they had up till the time of Caesar the availability of accessing the ancient library at Alexandra . But after the Roman Empire faded and the Holy Roman Empire took over something bizarre happened , the name given the era tells it's influence , it was called , [ The Dark Ages ] . Mankind in Europe suddenly went from ; round earth to flat , building with precision and large stones , to building castles with small mismatched stones , and would suffer with great consequence if he didn't agree that the church knew better . And destroyed all records or people that went against the power of the Lord . Now you know . Thank you .
Gianfranco Fronzi . January / 11 /2014
6.We as flesh and blood , need flesh and blood . Not as in food or nutrition , but to feel the presence of another entity , even if your in the hole in some prison , if a fly or a spider came in , I know I'd become friends with them .
I believe even pillars of societies like Geoffrey Dahmer , hugged and held his next meal for a while . That way of thought suggests that we form relationships with our food ? But isn't it so ? Don't we have relationships with everything in our lives ? Good or bad .
That suggests we're lovesick fools , hopeless Romantics looking for our next victim .
So dig in everybody , it's fast food tonight .
I'm going to present a scenario , the Greeks and Romans worked stone with even more precise assembly , and even cut into solid rock to make tunnels under mountains to shorten and make travel safer . Now they had up till the time of Caesar the availability of accessing the ancient library at Alexandra . But after the Roman Empire faded and the Holy Roman Empire took over something bizarre happened , the name given the era tells it's influence , it was called , [ The Dark Ages ] . Mankind in Europe suddenly went from ; round earth to flat , building with precision and large stones , to building castles with small mismatched stones , and would suffer with great consequence if he didn't agree that the church knew better . And destroyed all records or people that went against the power of the Lord . Now you know . Thank you .
Gianfranco Fronzi . January / 11 /2014
I'm a little confused , the video states that rh- is the blood of the Gods , and rh+ is the half breed . Well rh is a remnants of the rhesus monkey , does that mean the Gods fornicated with monkeys ?
Gianfranco Fronzi . January /16 / 2014