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Friday, July 5, 2013

Comments , July / 5 / 2013

1 .  Facebook vote rant .

 Whatever you do remember that even if you destroy your ballot show up to vote , otherwise the pollsters will vote for you . Yes the voting system is that easy to be fraudulently used by corrupt poll personnel .
You don't even know you voted , or for whom because they just stroke your name and check a ballot for their favorites . Get up get out and be there or shut up and flock together and have a good cry .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July / 4 / 2013

2.  Facebook similarities in life ,

Hey you helpless freaks , it's Fronzi's power hour .
If you look closely , you will notice , most species of life on earth have the same similarity , from fish to birds , mammals , the same rules seem to follow a pattern ?
  That being two eyes , one nose , two ears , one head , four limbs .
  This I believe is where we find our origins , and gives power to the intelligent   
   design, or God , belief .
This isn't an oversight but a pattern . If we do fined alien life , and they too fit the pattern , it's got to be universal .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July  /4 / 2013                " Happy birthday U.S.A "

3. Youtube Bush rant .

I , at the time questioned the purpose of looking for weapons of mass destruction .
 You've got some real stupid , and above the truth and the law .
But yet so stupid they don't even bring some evidence to plant as a lie . Even police carry a spare gun to plant on a victim . But I see the world tiring of your runaway politicians , and they are charged . Funny the only safe place is in their own country ?

4. Youtube reply to a dead cell doesn't replicate .The argument put forth in this video is kind of weak , of course the dead are going to remain dead . But life's complexities bear an opposite of what lives , that being another cell eating or absorbing the dead cells remains . Thus life goes on . I still don't believe in evolution as a catalyst , billions of years means not enough time to go from barren planet to homo sapiens .

5. Facebook connectivity rant and ripoff scam .Hello Faciabookers , I've just returned from an internet nightmare .
 Don't believe anyone saying on the phone they're your provider , these people somehow find out you're having connection problems and call you to help you fix it .
They actually hijack your computer and then demand payment to fix it for you .
 Always double check authorization of any phone call pertaining to your computer . This happened to me , can you believe it ?

6.  Facebook Elephants money .

We as humans can't afford a perfect world .
But we can afford a perfect world for the elephants , let's spend our huge squandered wealth on these type of efforts , not on better ways of killing ourselves !

7. Youtube reply to Rothchild position .The words " high and mighty " are always used by a person that is faced with the truth . You believe everything you read , have you actually seen a Rothschild running down the street with a sacrificial baby for the devil ? It doesn't matter anyway these people have been called everything in the book , what people think ? You've gotta be super rich to know poverty .

8.  Snowden rant .

Concerning Snowden , Did he actually perform a treasonous act ? Isn't it a citizens duty in the U.S. to expose any illegal activities ? Also , is He actually doing this as a citizen or as a rehearsed act for the government to draw attention away from other illegal activities ? Why does he run ? I believe in standing up for my actions , yet he runs over the world exposing who's side each country has picked .
Give yourself up Snowden . Or shut up .

9. World government rant .World Government , the whole planet under one government ? A natural next step , but we can't keep track of our own local governments ? A decision on global government should be from the elders of each zones or country . But do you actually think your going to get a pompous few , give up power ? Ha!

10. Snivelers , my reply .Give me a break , this looser attitude isn't the way to think .
Where every your feet touch Mother Earth , you rule , civil , but in charge of your life .
When it gets to big , you get bigger , and when it to much to fight , you die fighting .
Nobody knows you better .

11. Youtube Rothschild video .

I just watched a civilized man comport himself quite well , all the negative remarks are blaming him for being rich . Well get of your ass and build  an empire .
  But these people probably think , why should we give any money , look what people think of us ?
" You can't handle poor , until you've had it all ".

12.  True story mine .

Do you want to read a true account of a biking story ?
I promise you this actually did happen .
I left the Sault for Calgary in October , with my old Pan , chopped into the first Wide Glide , no front fender , just pegs , and cobra style seat .
Well I go through cold biting weather , this was the year Star Wars came out , I watched it in Calgary , that's how I remember . Well in the middle of night , can't find a town in the badlands , it starts to snow , I was doomed but I couldn't stop .
  As I'm fighting sleet , a trucker passes me and slows down in front of me , all of a sudden ,  no snow , I'm in his vortex , six feet between him and me .
I follow close when he flashes his left turn signal , I took it to pass him , and I did , he then passes me flashing his interior lights , honking his horn .
But he wasn't alone , a convoy of men in transport trucks kept me in their vortex until I found civilization .
These men I will never know , but they did this .
  That my friends , is the Canada I want to remember .

13 . Youtube .

The library was invented thousands of years ago .
It took that long to reach YouTube , it's revolutionized humanity , now the tailor is  sizing the clothes  with his client , the comedian has all his past shows in succession , and the unknown is picked apart by people all over the World .
Let's not go backwards , we've just begun .

14.   Rockefeller

According to these words , and how they're interpreted , Mr. Rockefeller is guilty of treason . On the other hand he could be saying he's helping to create what is inevitable , world government .

15. Evolution reply . Youtube .

Sure it was languages and teamwork , but languages developed with the addition of words , such as , Don't touch that food or I'll bash your skull in . You don't eat . I'm the only one that breeds .

16 . Youtube World War Three .

Ask yourself , why would the US. or President Obama want nuclear war ?
Why would they use a slim news story like Snowden is a criminal , to divert your attention from Syria ? No I don't think it ties in , because Snowden is already a has been , and Syria is a bigger story.Does the US. government believe NATO, is actually going to stand together in unjust warfare ? It better hold it's friends close and their enemies closer,because it's credibility is in the negative.And world is laying charges

17.  Ultimate defined , Facebook .

When you say the " Ultimate " your not saying the very top of the question , ultimate means , the last one , the end of the line , in Latin .
The point of "Singularity " , is the "Ultimate Machine ".

Gianfranco Fronzi . July  / 5 / 2013