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Monday, March 9, 2015

Fronzi 's Comments , March / 9 / 2015 . Sault Ontario Canada

The Amish I believe are people of religion and tradition ? They are in effect , As you say ,
" Think " , the Amish are dumping these horses ? Or are they selling them ? In which case , they're shifting responsibility to another assembly .
Do they break state laws by doing so ?
If they do , then the state must take the responsibility , if they break laws of humanities concerns  for these ponies , then the Amish must question their actions ?
I believe the pony's filled their part of the deal and more ?

Hey , Amish ?


Hey farmer , farmer ? What are calves doing in a garbage bin ? Question this post or we'll question you .

Nina , thank you . I would like to speak about another one of your posts . The one where the black African man was holding up a sign saying , " Blackman shots animal Poaching , White man shots animal Trophy "?, something like that ? If you have any locations , statistics or pictures of trophy hunting anywhere , could you send them to me just by posting it ? Unless it's completely shocking or confrontational [ these I would still like , but to save , not to post immediately , because if we don't need the impact we'll just use common sense at first ]. I'd appreciate it .
 Aside ; I'm posting this publicly because I welcome this information from anyone reading my words . I forgot that sport hunting is still alive ? And as I bomb around my safety net , I can only reply and handle so much . All I do know about sport hunting is , " no sportsman kills his target" .
 If you doubt our "Collective effect ", look at Chinas efforts to change a way of thought on a lifestyle , towards the Elephant slaughter , of which , I believe ,most of mankind is proud of , and didn't agree with ?
With this movement towards questioning of , why we are the way we are , brings down traditions , thoughts , actions that aren't in consideration to who we're using as the entertainment venue .
 It , at the end is , we were using ourselves , and now the repairs aren't physical , but spiritual .
So lets rip away the parts we don't need , And go into the Mystic .   

 Thank you Facebook , Youtube , Google+,and all media that keeps our words true , alive , and safe . 

Hello , did I skip a few millennia ? Because at the headquarters they said I was to observe the beginning of the two thousandth centuries ?
And my concentration was to be on an entity in transition ? With sentient level above all others here ? Then I found this petition , I've got to question  , they run other species to perform predictive allocation of currency ? Yet they use live bait as incentive for the traumatized runners , when they could have used a surrogate with scent ? If there is a reason for live currency prediction at all ?

We would be a pretty stupid bunch when at a time that oil is being fazed out , to put an oil pipeline through pristine Canadian Wilderness .
The Spirit Bear being in the region is in effect an indicator of the folly that would leave an oily taste in our mouths forever . BC government search your souls before your wallets , because they could both be empty in the end ? And having the ball in hand when you could have passed it on will darken your history .

ARPITA JAIN Arpita , when I was growing up at the tale end of the baby boomer generation it was different . There was more people than now . And finding a nitch was easier . Things happened faster , summers were longer and hotter , and dreams of the future gave us the drive to live . I really couldn't place myself in todays way of thought because it is different ? What we thought was going to liberate us sometimes just classified us , and sometimes what we thought were confines empowered us . Just remember , love yourself otherwise nobody likes someone that doesn't . With this simple act a groundswell of love grows . Be your own worst critic . And if you see something you don't agree with , say it .

Mr. Kurzweil , I arrived to this video from a disheveled post on Google + that had everything from building space ships and making more questions than saying anything .
Yet it didn't have an area to post a comment , because I was going to sarcastically make suggestions .
So I clicked on a link and found myself here .
Now I give every video or document a reasonable amount of attention before deciding  my next reaction .
Thankfully I did because you brought my sarcastic tongue to taming .
You're right this is most likely going to be in mankind's future .
If something disastrous doesn't get us first ?
This will surely be a brave new world .
I'm just wondering , would we need updates ?
I apologize , I can't help it ?

Nite Angel I'm not convinced ?
Now I'm in , And am Canadian , I'm watching from a place and position that gives me the ability to view the rambling of the United States and I don't have to butter up any politician in the United States . I hired a professional that I house in Ottawa to do that job .
And from a birds eye ? Your President Obama seems to be doing a good job .
Canceling the Oil pipeline , trying to organize a country wide Healthcare , holding back and observing as the pain in the neck Middle East goes at it again .
What more can this guy do ? He's listening to his people .
So if you don't want circumcision on women just say it .
Otherwise guessing is part of Pre Acceptance , you actually like circumcised women ?
I don't myself they're too hard to keep from having a recircumcision later .
That would cost the Healthcare .

mPky1 Hey Pky1 , I live in Canada , and that's how I worked most of my life .
Where do you find these nice jobs that let you make major coin while partying like a rockstar ?
By the way after my long shifts , I partied like a Rockstar , just so I could do it over again . 

You know ?
I read the comments below and , I see a lot of questioning on what the song refers too ?
Some say Chrystal Blue Methamphetamine , and Tommy , in an interview says it was during a religious period with the Jesus thing .
Well I didn't know what it referred to when it first came out .
All I know is ?
Define the words literally and don't try and relate them to anything ?
You should get a simple broad spectrum calming healing feeling ?
Repeat ?
  " Crystal  Blue Persuasion "
Okay ?

+cheryl thompson Hey I'm right next door . America was in hell ? Are you kidding ? It was a Renaissance . The after effects aren't over yet  .
This is just the beginning . With every generation we learn .
But rarely in a generation do we change .

Hello Millennials , may I call your generation Milly Vanilly ?
My tongue hurts repeating Millennials .
If you don't like it just write .
Watch this video , and you'll see my generation was outside not hiding in a washroom with an overpriced bag or something stuck in our arms .
Nobody had to tell us how to wipe our behinds .
You know why ?
" Crystal Blue Persuasion - 1969 "

The Creator gathered all of Creation and said;
“I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realisation that they create their own reality.”
The eagle said, “Give it to me. I will take it to the moon.” The Creator said, “No. One day they will go there and find it.”
The salmon said, “I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.”
The Creator said, “No. They will go there, too.”
The buffalo said, “I will bury it on the Great Plains.”
The Creator said, “They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there.”
Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said “Put it inside of them.”
And the Creator said, “It is done.” - This creation story is from the Hopi Nation, Arizona, North America
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If you have trouble discerning right from left , and didn't notice Einstein using his right hand , don't think you have a problem or are inept .
It is because you have no problem performing any task with any hand available . You are special and therefore which hand used doesn't matter to you .

You announce a world war like it's a WWF wrestling match .
How about this possibility ; ISIS Is a false flag operation set up to create your scenario ? Otherwise why isn't it already at war with it's chosen enemy instead of it's own people ? Isis could be the best army money could buy , one that pretends to be a Muslim savior while killing and weakening the Muslim ? When history for the new millennia is written , it will be seen as the Era of the lie , the set up , and the death of not only the possibility of mankind , but of The innocent believers , who like when the Titanic hit the iceberg , were sure it would never sink . Only to find that only their hope floated .

themplar If it .
In your own form of deduction ; If it looks like a pig , and smells like a pig , and it grunts and squeals like a pig , it's likely a pig ?
If plain common sense doesn't work for you , you have a better explanation called a " Big Bang "?
I'm  amazed at how you pick away at logic and accept the illogical ? Did I state anything like intelligent direction of energy ? Or a being that was a deity or a an unnatural process ? You though want to believe in a complete scientific process of compression and expansion which is beyond logical or beyond provability . 

I'm sure the Lions would like to thank you ? You , who have written in this post .
At a certain time in your life you've got to live what you actually believe .
I was from the generation that was taught to take advantage of the animals and eat , kill and keep within our clutches of power .
As I grew , the rites of passage here in the north as an outdoorsman was to hunt .
Now nobody in Canada has to hunt to survive except for possible native communities that are far from cheap commerce or they need to perform the hunt to keep certain treaty rights alive . Yes they have to show their presence to keep certain claims or the government might remove them .
But one day I went for moose and here you get the type of moose by having an organized lottery . The calf moose though , was a guarantee with buying the moose tag . So I bought a tag and I was licensed for a calf moose .
The reason calves are killed and licensed more than grown males and cows is that they would rather have a calf taken than a already healthy breeding adult .
And I did shot a calf .
The way the calf died was what caused a logical self questioning that is probably the only real regret I've had to live with .
It just wouldn't die , I kept shooting it in around the head that should have killed it immediately , but it still kicked and rolled it's eyes for so long that I could no longer watch and didn't give me a good feeling about the experience .
So , my logic asks  me , why did you kill this animal ? I didn't need the meat ?
I didn't need the notoriety .
So my logic weighed what I had come away from in this experience ?
Well I had lost way more than I'd gained , and gave up hunting since .

themplar A ? Faith based  ? Based on nothing ?
Isn't light arriving from other parts of the universe energy coming at us ?
Do I need faith to have you use what's in front of your face ?
Or do I need a certificate ?
 If the whole accumulation is not a huge machine or better , a form of life , would it work at all ?
The fact that we have this discussion isn't because of an accidental encounter of energies , or an explosion of a tiny seed expanding into an accumulation of mistakes and corrections . It is being allowed to happen .
Am I scratching a nerve here that leaves you or anyone with questions ?
Because it's not that complicated .

Arc Force I don't agree with your position .
We can't judge a group for crimes that were orchestrated by their representative authorities .
We can only charge and deal within the law .
Just as Nuremburg did with the Nazi criminals .
Putting all of Israel in the same box would be like putting all of Germany on trial for the holocaust .
Let's not have a mob mentality , that's how these crimes start .
 Now the law here isn't just regional or pinned down to just a cut and dried argument , but it should reflect our unwritten laws that deal with the unspoken universal order of mankind's civility to it's own . If anyone the survivors of a holocaust should be in tune with these laws . The reasons for their actions can only come from their mistrust of the civility that they had taken from them before   ? Therefore we can't give them that position , by speaking in your fashion , we want results that make everyone marvel at our own ability to come to conclusions not final solutions .

Shrinivasa Rao Waste or not the most important is the waste of life , to sell or use it is worsening the idea of using it at all . Burn it and deal with the criminals severely , nobody has a position above theft from life and if it's a failure we should orchestrate it so the  criminals of the destruction aren't  easily forgotten , because they're not dealing with an adversary , but an innocent . If we are casual with life of intelligent innocents , it explains our casualness with human life .

You've got to remind yourselves that I'm ready to accept the big bang immediately , if it even for one second makes sense . You forget that I'm from a time that offered me the view of the beginning of the whole big bang theory .
And as an inquisitive child it made sense to me and I loved it .
Then I just waited and watched and listened , and observed .
Then I began to see how Ideas and theories came to be unshakable beliefs only to fade away to a foggy recollection of some mistaken viewpoint .
Well I'm heading off your next fading viewpoint .
And am not asking anyone to believe my viewpoint , but to question theirs , because it's not theirs , it's someone else's .
Belief is something you're willing to die for , are you willing to die for the big bang ?
Ask Galileo .

We must remember , we are humans , we all feel pain , and we're all going to someday die .
But the United States has lost a lot of it's finest undeserving of what was done to them .
Sure the Bush and his unspeakable failure and military tactics weren't what the people of the States wanted , but what has happened can't reflect on what could happen now .
We can't draw a line in a middle eastern desert and expect anything but death and destruction .
Aren't we in an enlightened time ? Don't we know better ? Haven't we given enough and were left with blood and regret on  our hands ?
If we're the culmination of thousands of years of learning , suffering , and mistakes , that we could have avoided , are we still that stupid as to continue repeating them ?
Never should we mix our positions of ways of life with our religious ways , because if you were to look , our religions don't condone instilling war , attacking , or suggesting retaliation for something that hasn't happened yet .
Let the Islamic people sort their positions , let the Jewish people do the same , but surly let the United States be what it was once , a haven for the oppressed , the misplaced , the weak , the tired , and the hopeless .
Because from this soup came the sane , the strong , and the enlightened .
How much more do we owe anybody , how much more do we have to lose , before we can see that nobody has to suffer , and everyone can be given more by taking less ?
We as a species are indebted to ourselves , in ourselves is our salvation , all it takes is to believe in it , we once did . Then the untouchable in us was replaced by a golden calf instead of our golden hearts .

What we've got to keep in mind is the Elephant is a lover not a fighter . When we give up on something that would rather show and give love , we've given up on everything . And now aren't deserving of any special treatment or care because we won't even love ourselves . Life takes a bizarre twist at that point , it all becomes a lie . And I'd rather die with the truth than live in a lie . The Elephant is living and expecting the truth .

Bones ? Scottie ? Bones ? Scottie ? Am I missing something ? Both a particle and a wave ? That similar to announcing , A sandwich is both bread and filler . Lets take this apart for our poor confused scientists , then they might be able to find their true profession ? A particle is exactly what it's stated to be , " A particle ", a wave is an indication of energy not energy itself . So how do you professionals mash up into one category " light ", being both ? Another theory ? Your picture here is as good at defining light as the picture of Jagger and Bowie in bed is defining love . The only way an energetic description as light can keep itself as a unit that can travel billions if not forever years is by self replication .A particle would be directed off course and destruct by influences along it's path and wouldn't contain enough energy to do such work . A wave is an indication of energy but it to can't continue without it .Yet we look up and we see individual starlight . Therefore light is a " Toroid " Folding out as it travels like a ring that doesn't stop until it gently hits something . Thank You .

Gianfranco Fronzi . March /9 / 2014