Jee i wish you were all here , then we could rant about the corruption we've seen , or the way we were treated , yea you could look and talk about anything but how about taking , now I'm talking about intelligent conversation , no booze , a tiered amount of the persons drug of choice , can't do that to people their drug of choice is how they create the persona they want to speak the words that they feel powerful about . Don't think that we can actually pull this off without getting stoned once and awhile , and everyone has a drug of choice , it takes many forms , from money , to authority powers and of course substances themselves . So don't feel weird because we are one big family and civility works on most people . rant
This is one of the most uncaring and abusive Elephant occurrences I've ever read about . Don't these people that do this have any contact with their wallets ? They are so stupid that they let their money making machine deteriorate ? And the suffering that they must go through just to entertain ? If you do this to any type of animal you are heartless It's not a joke , it says a lot of the people that form the society around such suffering of these animals . Here in Canada we're not perfect either , but we know when our beasts of burden are tired or hungry or thirsty . Because you see a animal you eat and an animal that you interact with such as this elephant forces you to form a bond , a bond that the elephant takes very seriously . To break that relationship by getting lazy or just not caring is the worst thing you'll ever have to live with .
This actually happened. It was sometime in the 90s. MY wife and I were in Marseilles France. We were walking along the beach when we saw a bar and decided to have a drink. We went in and this bar made the alien bar in Star wars look like a every day place. We made our way to the back where the only table that was free was. We sat there for an hour despite my attempts to get service. Well we didn't know what was going on so we got up to leave. On our way out a huge well built Russian sailor saw me coming and got in our way out. He guzzled an entire glass of vodka and said. You are American? I said I am Canadian. Oh he said, they are Canadian, everyone nodded and the bartender apologised and said what do you want to drink. I said a Caesar. The Russian said I will pay for it give them what they want. The bartender said we don't have that here and filled a glass of vodka and it was passed to me. I said I don't drink it straight and passed it to the Russian who guzzled it like water. I said thank you anyway and we would like to go and walk the beach. The Russian said go my friend, and yelled out they are Canadian. With that the whole bar gave a encouraging response. This is how we as Canadian are loved and seen by the rest of the world. Do you want to be loved or do you want what Harper wanted to make us. This is a true story. And having traveled far and wide I know the people of the United States are great people but the world sees Canada as a friend,and sees the United States as a meddling oppressor. This is the Canada I want to be and remember. Thank you.
Angels , our animal friends .
To see them you've got to notice these traits .
They don't change , they are the same throughout their stay .
They also don't lie to you .
They don't steal from you .
They don't set you up .
They rarely speak bad of you .
Actually help you .
No strings attached .
They leave these questions that we've got to ask ourselves .
How do I compare to them ?
Am I as good as I think I am ?
This self questioning , is their true gift to mankind .
It's more powerful than any religion , and is free and pure .
So is there any doubt that there is , Angels amongst us ?
To see them you've got to notice these traits .
They don't change , they are the same throughout their stay .
They also don't lie to you .
They don't steal from you .
They don't set you up .
They rarely speak bad of you .
Actually help you .
No strings attached .
They leave these questions that we've got to ask ourselves .
How do I compare to them ?
Am I as good as I think I am ?
This self questioning , is their true gift to mankind .
It's more powerful than any religion , and is free and pure .
So is there any doubt that there is , Angels amongst us ?
"The time will come when humans such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men." - Leonardo da Vinci
We weren't born in a country we were born on a planet Earth .
These plants such as coca and any plants are here on Earth for us to use to relieve us inspire us and give us the conditions we seek to make us us .
Who are these people that want to protect us from ourselves ?
And tell us that a plant growing at our feet we can't have in any form .
The joke is over , lives , careers , have been lost and all for what ?
They are really concerned for our health ? Well users of these plants are healthier and live longer .But they are either broke because of the price , or getting by with jail time for selling them .
Give us back our planet , it wasn't yours to take .
The police force in any jurisdictions or countries are paid and trained to have a tactic for any incident . I don't believe that these officers were doing the proper methods . We pay them well and expect them to act with a diplomatic approach before acting with a more forceful approach .But as you can see they are like animals that have to be winning the battle at any cost . These officers should be charged for threatening the public , endangering a child and use of miss guided force .You may ask yourself why ? Why doesn't apply when it doesn't make sense .
Gianfranco Fronzi The word media in the latin means the middle or half way point , so I assume the word in its modern form means the halfway point between you and the truth ?
Im Canadian could you tell me why ? Was this bi election or one of his legal shit ? I live across the border with the United States Michigan , and we even before the internet got all the news from the Michigan side , and I can't even try to guess if there was any President with as much accusations and down right breaking the laws as this Trump guy . I knew already how it was going to turn out , when I knew Trump was running for President . You were crazy as a country to think that a rich man was a better choice than a politician .
These poor creatures they are herbivores they just love and want to live . Do you see the optimism and also the loneliness he displays . If anything this is where the world should be dumping its foreign aid .
ianfranco Fronzi You see a picture of an oil rig and you think that is our energy sector ? Do you know why oil is down in price ? Because it is now stolen by U.S. isis and delivered to Turkey and shipped to America . Wise up or get of the booze .
Gianfranco Fronzi .
June 4 / 2019