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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Koko's Kittens through the Years

To anybody out there that think animals are creatures with no soul and live from basic instinct , watch this video . G.Fronzi .

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18 / 2012 posts across the web. Fronzi Comments

For YouTube replies go to :

No. 1 Facebook insurance offer.
Hello , my name is Rocco the shive I work for Mr. Fronzi and he would like me to express to you my special FaceShmere offers . No.1 . if you don't pay for the services we will cut your one good leg off . How can you refuse a deal like that ? No. 2 . Pay the no. one . It's wonderfully simple , and a bargain At 200.00 a month , excluding your lunch periods . Can you believe the savings and health benefits built right into the special offer ? Also if you act fast you could expand your coverage to the "
Witness Protection Guarantee " , with the guarantee , if you decide to rat out , we will have you on a slab within eight hours , can you believe the savings from the anguish ?
All you gotta do is give the coin to Mr. Fronzi , and you can then rest in peace .
Thanks , who loves ya ? Rocco , and just you. Arrivederci .

Like · · · 11 minutes ago ·

No.2 YouTube reply to after death.

Home sounds good , but is there a home for transient spirits ?
How about we have to shut the computer down , and restart with an updated system ?
Fine tuned with updates just for you ?
You like ?

No. 3.  2012 YouTube pole reversal reply

Mayan Calendar pole shift . What most people don't see is that the force of the poles is very weak , it barely moves  strip of magnet . The reason for that is that we are closer to the north, the compass always turns north in the northern hemisphere . Therefore it would take an external force to just spin the upper mantle , otherwise we'd be pole shifting all the time .
Also the poles can and could be shifting without the earth moving at all . So relax , it's in the bag , not a medicine bag either .
 Gianfranco Fronzi . December  / 17 / 2012

No.4 . YouTube reply to spiritual video .

It makes me  wonder where L. G . gets her contradicting visions . The Mayans aren't a very old society . The Middle Eastern area of Eurasia dates way farther back . When the Mayans were at their highest the Pyramids were already thousands of years old . Other than biblical floods and oddities , no change in poles was ever recorded . Do you know what actually happens in a pole shift . go to my account page to find out .

no . 5 . other blog entry [ somethingtobelievein]

Perimeter pulses .

Illuminati .

They say this a real and secretive web of the super wealthy .

If So, my Question is , are there Italian Illuminati ?

Considering it seems to stem from a British background .

The Term , "Illuminati " tho , is Italian , meaning , the bright ones , the ones that shine , the ones who are enlightened .

Anyway , do you think that these are happy people ? I've had the good fortune of having , well at least brushed shoulders ,

with the very rich , when your a guy that has my makeup , and your traveling in foreign lands you attract just about everybody.

And if i would have a choise , wheather be extremely rich , and how i am today ? I'd still pick myself .

The reasoning ? With big money comes billions of little problems .

Down to , as example , if i were to have a child that was born ill , well no big deal , i just now have more to live for .

To the super rich , this child must be hidden and the spiritual bond for something you don't want to admit to is weak .

Just that anguish that you feel , not for your actions but your position .

It's a slow death , but nothing an ounce of crack can't cure .

No if your a common man feel no lacking by not being rich .

But hug and kiss your children , let them know everything will be alright .

Arrivederci Illuminati .

Gianfranco Fronzi December / 17 / 2012

No. 6.

YouTube spiritual video  reply

If you take the words of a peoples beliefs , and try to judge their belief within it's time of indoctrination . A belief has to jump many hurdles before it finds it's true meaning , and is refined . Therefore the Religious seers weren't expecting a complete acceptance , but were laying the groundwork for our future . They didn't come to redeem our sins , or die for them, they were teaching us how to survive , and today is when these beliefs have to work .The past tribulations just growing pains.

No. 7 . YouTube building 7 collapse  , 911

People burning , plunging to their horrible deaths , authorities , acting and ordering a complete failure of security , and not smart enough to not vocalize their knowledge of what was to occur . What an insult to the peoples intelligence . I'll bet nobody pays , except for Silversteins insurance .

no. 8. YouTube , 911 collapse video .

As I see it there's only two answers . One ," It was an inside job " , and it's quite obvious it was .
Or " The worst architect in the world designed those structures ".
Putting Terrorist Insurance weeks before? Virtual free fall collapse of buildings that should have stood ? What an insult to the intelligence of the people , they thought you'd just accept the whole thing ? What a disgusting terrible , murdering , mess . I'll bet you nobody pays for this and it just fades away as something terrible

 no. 9 Kannon , born to be wild , post other blog .

 No . 10 . YouTube 2012 video on destruction .

Give me a break . You can measure the loss of the earths gravity ? So can we , just weigh ourselves . Does earth pole change cause my scale to read -200 pds. ?
 And the Muslim cleric , is trying to perform a difficult task , mixing religion with mechanics .

No. 11 . "The good Mistake ", excellent theory on our existence , posted on .     my other blog .

 Time line,------ millions of years ago , hurtling through space ,a piece of ancient matter , is captured by the attraction of a blue bios rich planet . 
  The finger , of the force ,t hat commandeers the occurrence , wants this to happen .
  This piece of astral debris, ignites as it enters the planets atmosphere,and it burns a trail through the sky.
 At impact, it is just a small misshapen stone . 
  However it's voyage did not go unnoticed , a life form ,capable of acknowledging , that what he had just seen is interesting , goes to the impact sight , and digs with a flat piece of wood , and he find the remnants of the debris.
   It is an odd stone with sharp edges , and tiny passages strewn over it .
The entity feels the stone , it is still warm , he tastes it , upon placing it to his tongue , he feels , from years of harmonious cohabitation with the world around him , that the stone has a difference , to it , it lends a different sensation , vibration , and taste . 
    The entity feels , he has something special , and has a bargaining chip , with this he might be able to trade for , food , or tools , or sexual favors . 
  He holds it with one of his feet , and with his hands , threads a long piece of sisal , through one of the cavities . 
    He then heads back to his community . With the stone around his neck , he proudly , but jealously shows it to his clan , everyone is fascinated by it , larger males try to take it , but he scurrilously backs away , guarding his little prize . 
     He turns his attention to the other jewel of his eye , a young female of the clan , to him she is all of his desire , she is beautiful , and has not born any children yet , the ruling males always guarded her as their own , and would not allow him the possibility of mating with her . 
    But now he has the stone , he holds it up for her to see , she suddenly sees him as more attractive than ever , she also is in her breeding cycle , and chemical urges, along with the possibility of acquiring the stone , lead her towards our fortunate friend .
All the while the force that developed this whole scenario ,  is working in the background , making what is about to happen possible . They meet , alone , he holds the stone up to her , and sexual urges take over . 
   She now proudly wears the stone about her neck , it not only embellishes her ,  but makes her  , his companion  , through acquisition . 
    Everything is going just as the force has planned . 
  Inside her womb is a new life , but what our happy couple don't know is that the stone has properties that emanate from it , properties that affect the structure of existence around it.
  It is radioactive .
   The child is born , and it is horrible , it is almost hairless , its feet are elongated , not able to be manipulative , it has hands that are of a different shape , with an ability to grasp , are also hairless , he is of a lighter colour , in skin and hair , and the strangest thing of all , he has blue eyes . 
    The father is horrified , and picks up a large rock to kill it .
 The rest of the males are in agreement with the reaction , and also want to destroy the mistake .
   But the mother , being it her first born , and having come from her body , will have none of that.
    With support  from the other females , who can understand her urge to protect .
   The males have to acquiesce to this , fearing female retaliation.       

The mother and child are forced to live on the edges of the community , supported by other females , and males seeking sexual favors .
   The father having abandoned her , and her mistake , only coming around when he felt the urge . 
    The child meanwhile , grew , and survived , and at a point gave up using all four limbs to move , and stood upright , with an amazing ability of balance , and speed , he could also fashion objects quickly , and precisely with his deformed hands . 
  The other males could sense the threat , but even as a child the boy was a match , in cleverness and agility .

The force saw everything was as it should be , and protected the good mistake . 

Gianfranco Fronzi   FEB\19/07

No. 12 / Youtube Christian seer video .

This man , is obviously a person that off the cuff , comes up with interesting , and spiritual, insights . His knowledge of the bible and using it as reference , is why the bible was written isn't it ?

No. 13 /  from other blog    Paradigm

Perimeter paradigms .

Paradigm , "The generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time " .

A change in Paradigm , is usually significant in humanity .

To offer a new way of thought , sometimes takes centuries .

In today's evolution it could be something immediate .

We've got to take baby steps , to learn a new way of walking and talking .

Patience , has it's place , and it's drawbacks .

In a new world , the survival of the all , has to be taken into account .

For aren't we that special creature , the one that forms groups ?

Groups formed by ways of thought .

The seers of the past weren't giving immediate salvation , they were giving what we need to survive

today .

So we should all act as we've been taught , no more shady moves designed by singular organizations , but

a whole vision that we all see .

Dig it ?

Arrivederci baby .

Gianfranco Fronzi . December / 15 / 2012

No. 14 / definition online , for , Paradigm

The generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time

No. 15 / YouTube aliens video

Could it be possible that with the advent of the nuclear age , that we've possibly become dangerous to the universe itself ? And don't realize that , with our studies of particle  collision , could destroy the solid states of the universe , or part of it ? The aliens could be worried ? Anyhow ,it's up to them  to expose themselves , we can just observe . We can't rush what is beyond us. Let's hope it's a reasonable resolution .

No. 16 / YouTube ,  Koko the gorilla ambassador meets , William Shatner .

You'd better watch how you say i love you to a real true creature , they know where i love you could come from .
   Or she's saying you've got big balls to have enough courage to get this close ?

No. 17 / YouTube reply to ,humans aren't special .

I think your self defeating , because we are in our short period the most important entity that has ever walked this planet , hell we even go to space , or deep below the sea ,climb the highest mountains , sailed our way to the point that we can control our own environment . So pearl popping atheist , what do you say ?

No. 18 / YouTube reply

Good stuff . Wear blinders , and only acknowledge the real stuff , not what's in our self defeating mind . Because enjoyment from pain is one of our biggest defeats .

 No.19 / from no. 15 same video . YouTube .

On the contrary , we're still the most adaptable biological entity . Until we discover anything different we're isolated . Sure other creatures are comparable , but so is a virus , yet we've so far managed to overcome all attacks , and are moving rapidly to new horizons . Hold on .

No. 19 / P. C . world , reply to "Cancel Your Facebook "

I think FaceBook isn't infallible , but it stays on top of as much as it can .
We put allot of trust in these services , and i think they're more on the ball than we think .
I believe they know what your reaction would be to many topics , just by following you , and your habits .
They aren't just  working on security , the larger services like FaceBook are also getting the trends , reactions , shopping habits , and a profile of you .
If you feel you have nothing to hide , don't worry about it .
FaceBook doesn't dig into your wallet , it only knows your broke .

No . 20  / YouTube <Kennedy assassination video

This video is not reveling the whole assassination , why the head wound with brain matter on the rear trunk? No spray of blood or brains on Connally or front ?

 No. 21 . / YouTube video , on Gravity

Saying that the planets revolve around a curved space is o.k. but we as entities on earth don't revolve around it , we go with it . So how does the space time create gravity for us ?
    Are we sure of it's principles , because we're saying the same gravity that hold us here also holds moons in place .Does this mean gravity gets stronger at one point , and weaker in another ? Otherwise we should be crushed , considering the gravity acting on the moon .
   Could static electricity be involved .

No. 22  /  YouTube android phone video

How do you turn off an android phone ? Pulling the battery is the only way ?
But , the bluetooth is news to me , i can't see how , most phones time out the bluetooth search , i guess  i've learned something .

No. 23 /
I Was told to light them up for Christmas .