This is how the Asians treat their revered Holy Elephant ?
These people are too stupid to log , anyone knows that a log has to be lifted at the front or it'll jamb and you'll be tugging and killing more elephants .
Will somebody bring these stone age loggers a little sensibility because we need them less than the elephant .
Hey I think I've hit this speed bump , I think it's in the St. Paul Minneapolis area , but I was lucky I landed on the biker that slowed down in front of me . All he could say was God bless Merika , before the ambulance drivers hit him with the paddles . We burned his vintage Honda 90 in his memory , I just affectionately called him , Captain Merika .
How could this possibly happen ? I wonder , do the Israelis that are , well basically stealing , in who's name , their God ?
Well just think if you we're the God of the Israelis , would you endorse such behavior from your " Chosen People " ?
I believe that , being so angelic , and observing the most heinous ,[ the holocaust ], done right personally to them , you'd think they would be smiling , happy people .
Glad to just walk the earth ?
A beacon , that forces us to lay down our arms forever , is the light everyone of them should glow with .
Agreed ?
Their Bible , and their history has steadfast rules on how to comport themselves , yet they are darkness and danger .
You remember Charlton Hesston as Moses ? He's got the "Ten Commandments " in his arms , he's coming down from the mountain .
And he finds , Edward G. Robinson , slobbering drunk , porking a bunch of hot sluts , and worshiping a Golden Calf ?
Didn't these people see the ocean parted , manna [ food from the sky ], water , gush from rock .
Their God so powerful , as to kill each first born of non Israelis blood in Egypt .
Turn water into blood ,
Send pestilence .
Will these chosen people couldn't wait any longer for that God and started worshiping a golden calf ?
Well just think if you we're the God of the Israelis , would you endorse such behavior from your " Chosen People " ?
I believe that , being so angelic , and observing the most heinous ,[ the holocaust ], done right personally to them , you'd think they would be smiling , happy people .
Glad to just walk the earth ?
A beacon , that forces us to lay down our arms forever , is the light everyone of them should glow with .
Agreed ?
Their Bible , and their history has steadfast rules on how to comport themselves , yet they are darkness and danger .
You remember Charlton Hesston as Moses ? He's got the "Ten Commandments " in his arms , he's coming down from the mountain .
And he finds , Edward G. Robinson , slobbering drunk , porking a bunch of hot sluts , and worshiping a Golden Calf ?
Didn't these people see the ocean parted , manna [ food from the sky ], water , gush from rock .
Their God so powerful , as to kill each first born of non Israelis blood in Egypt .
Turn water into blood ,
Send pestilence .
Will these chosen people couldn't wait any longer for that God and started worshiping a golden calf ?
Let's as humans not be too critical of this event , lets look at it from a human perspective , but it clearly exposes a character , a character that's actually emitting a Godless Group , ready to worship any God with the most lucrative paycheck .
I'm a white , 59 year old male , living in Sault Canada , I was born in Italy , but have observed in the late twentieth century what could be zipped up for a thousand years of human history .
I was born Catholic naturally , but besides my mother , I was never in need of Religion .
But being inquisitive I gorged on every aspect of my existence .
I was born Catholic naturally , but besides my mother , I was never in need of Religion .
But being inquisitive I gorged on every aspect of my existence .
Now let's look at the legitimate owners , the Arabs , under their Muslim Faith .
Well , I assume their good book , and their history , shows just as many foibles as the Israelis .
Yet they are the oppressed , and if between the two , do have a reason to repel the aggressor .
Well , I assume their good book , and their history , shows just as many foibles as the Israelis .
Yet they are the oppressed , and if between the two , do have a reason to repel the aggressor .
But this is 2014 , World procedure dictates a " Court System ", not a volley of explosives .
If a trusting court isn't satisfactory then make one . But do not continue this insult to the rest of planet earth , of which you two opponents are now classified as a danger .
Something that you both don't want to see could happen .
If you think your little sand lot is barren now , it could get a lot lonelier .
To me and Canadian interests , we're far away , and are more interested in keeping dry and warm .
I don't think we'll even hear the explosions , I saw 911 but couldn't hear it over the air , nor did I hear the screams of innocent people leaping to their deaths . I didn't hear The search for Weapons of Mass destruction either , or Afghani screams .
My distance and government are a huge buffer , giving me a sense of detachment .
But what we hate is injustice , especially well funded injustice .
Find your court or mark your graves in the sand .
If a trusting court isn't satisfactory then make one . But do not continue this insult to the rest of planet earth , of which you two opponents are now classified as a danger .
Something that you both don't want to see could happen .
If you think your little sand lot is barren now , it could get a lot lonelier .
To me and Canadian interests , we're far away , and are more interested in keeping dry and warm .
I don't think we'll even hear the explosions , I saw 911 but couldn't hear it over the air , nor did I hear the screams of innocent people leaping to their deaths . I didn't hear The search for Weapons of Mass destruction either , or Afghani screams .
My distance and government are a huge buffer , giving me a sense of detachment .
But what we hate is injustice , especially well funded injustice .
Find your court or mark your graves in the sand .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July / 15 / 2014
At the time of this video Carl was talking about something still foggy to the common person . After 911 and the Bush insult , I'm pretty sure enough is enough . What would Jefferson say today ? Remember the United States had to be dragged into world war two , now it's begging for war three so it wouldn't look like they lost everything without a fight . If you are questioned , and pushed into positions that aren't of you're tastes , don't you fire the cook ? Well it's midnight and all of the crap is been exposed , and the experts have handed in their reports .. Now what ? Do they have to lead you right up the ramp to your final destination .
Sheep .
Sheep .
If your government is doing illegal actions , such as ; Illegal Warfare , Murder , Drug Dealings , and you say nothing against it , you're just as guilty . So all of you fine people who've never smoked a joint , or Murdered your Neighborhood , or detonated a bomb on a family having dinner , killing everybody so you can steal their Oil , or Heroin , Surprise , you're a fu--kin criminal . Because theoretically the government is your employee , and the boss tells the employee what to do right ? Well guess how they sleep at night ? In your silence , having trouble sleeping ? Well then don't , go outside and yell , " I've had enough and I can't take anymore ". How could it come to this ?
What person would want to choose being gay , life isn't hard enough ? Homosexuality is undoubtedly an infliction .
We treat problems such as " compulsive behavior ", " self emulation ", and so on , why don't we see homosexuality as behavioral problem ?
We here in Canada have pulled an insidious move , one that corrals and puts the homosexual in a position where they're in a standard , not in a lifestyle .
Thus commitment , social morals , and community acceptance have to be considered by the homosexual .
The " Move ",
" We gave them all rites including , Marriage ".
Absolutely brilliant Canada .
Don't worry Canada is being watched by the world , but on this topic , I think we're bang on ?
If as you say there are humans in India and Pakistan going through a similar experience as Raju , You then have a social problem , that only you can repair . Meanwhile keep us informed please of any similar incidents regarding your fauna . The American way of helping people is flawed and doesn't work when you have your own way of life that is for you to challenge . But cases like Raju's don't belong hidden behind borders , they belong and trust humanity , therefore since they can't write ,or ask for help as in this media , it's up to mankind to free this soul . And we will and we will .
Where's my lie in what you've written ? I'm even giving you the opportunity to cheat .
I'm going to ask you a few questions if I may ?
It's up to you if you would like to answer them ?
Did you see building 7 collapse ?
Did you see enough damage to , lets say topple , collapse , disassemble , crack , or generally cause a bird to leap off of a trim on any building ?
Did you see the entire building come down as one unit ?
Was the speed of descent faster than the debris below it , could afford the space for the
rest of the quickly falling building to occupy ?
If you are from the United States , do you feel or believe , that any lies , casualties , or any such effects to the United States Peoples is not only accessory to murder but high treason ?
Now , this is Sparta , and the words of the messenger are deemed to be his own .
Speak. Morpheus .
Your only going for the spaghetti monster cause everybody loves spaghetti .
Well the resemblance is eerie ?
The spaghetti monster was predicted way before he was born .
Spaghetti was born of virgin grain , and on his birth three wise condiments , grated cheese , salt , and pepper , showed up bearing spice for little spaghetti .
Well we lose sight of spaghetti for most of his early life , until he came back with the ability to fly . Well this pissed of the high priests of Pasta , and Spaghetti was fed to the mobs of starving vegans . A lot of followers died , some still spoken of , Rigatoni , who was fed to the lions in the salad bowl games , Manicotti , who was tortured into giving his denial of pastas origins .
Personally , I've got to ask , " Who Has ever Ordered a Piping Hot Plate of Chinese Spaghetti ?
+Neo Morpheus Mr. Neo Morpheus , why do you pull this shit ? You want to keep us too occupied to actually focus on rebuilding our sense of dignity after the insults of 911 ?
I'm Canadian and it hurt me . How and who are you to judge stupidity ?
If your bullshit is that confusing illiteracy is in your ballpark .
If you call a thief a thief , they'll deny it before you finish the three words ,
" Your a Thief " .
Well your denying what you want to express isn't in the code of relating truth or expressing anything other than you think your exclusive abilities are for comic relief .
Just give me the facts then go pull down your pants in public .
This accusation isn't presented properly . And is a waste of time to untangle . If this person has a beef with justice , just charge Mrs. Clinton for misrepresentation , but be prepared . Hillary must want to come clean by now ?12.
Way back in 1797, political activist and philosopher Thomas Paine wrote in his famous Agrarian Justice pamphlet that, "Men did not make the earth. It is the value of the improvements only, and not the earth itself, that is individual property. Every proprietor owes to the community a ground rent for the land which he holds."
Basically, Paine was arguing for a guaranteed minimum income, like the one the Alaska Permanent Fund provides, for all US citizens as compensation for, "loss of his or her natural inheritance, by the introduction of the system of landed property."
How about , building with no structural damage , containing fire on one corner symmetrically collapses into it own footprint , faster than a paperweight released at top level ? -- realtime . Or ; The most guarded building on the entire planet , hit at ground level by passenger jet driven by a foreigner who took some light aircraft training , "included ", very little debris , no fire , no black box and mysteriously no film of impact ?----- real time . Or ; Two tall buildings with damage from passenger jets at top floors , both pancake down into a cloud of dust and leave no pile of debris that would reconstruct a small office building . Both within the same day , both black boxes not found , yet passport of terrorist found on street ? ---- real time . Or ; President of United States , when told by top level security person , these exact words ; " The Country is Under Attack ", he decides to continue listening to school recital to not cause panic to children he's endangering by not leaving ?--- real time . Or what more do you need ?
If ever the words , " Forgive them Lord for They Know Not What They Do " , is in real time use , it's in this issue .
It destroys my view that humans are incapable of any further development because they can't see past their nose .
This idea of , basically , genocide of a type of dog is not inhumane , but a definitive sign of a large population of sick sociopathic and morally perverse society .
I'm not a person that can easily be put in a position of being" Off Topic" .
And I know I'm not off by a wisp of air on this one .
It destroys my view that humans are incapable of any further development because they can't see past their nose .
This idea of , basically , genocide of a type of dog is not inhumane , but a definitive sign of a large population of sick sociopathic and morally perverse society .
I'm not a person that can easily be put in a position of being" Off Topic" .
And I know I'm not off by a wisp of air on this one .
You who wield these laws , and you that perpetuate them , you think you'll be able to walk away , free of reproach , because your victim was unable to defend himself ,
I'm going to stretch my ability to command the topic ,
I'm going to stretch my ability to command the topic ,
" Your not " .
You'll know full well in your lifetime what loss of trust then loss of your life will be like .
You'll know full well in your lifetime what loss of trust then loss of your life will be like .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July / 7 / 2014 .
If all I see here is true , not only does this show corruption in Canadian Prime Minister present , but a budding prime minister , with apron strings already attached .
I ask , Prime Minister Harper Sir , we here in Canada possess more than any country , our lack is population , then why do we not live in the light and power that we possess ?
No Britannia , no United States lackey , but the nameplate of what a good and workable country should be .
The country thousands of people came to . Making what we can be requires leadership not a following of other policies .
When asked most Canadians name their origins as their patriarchal countries . This is because Canada doesn't lead , it follows .
We would like our position solidified . Such as the proud day Prime Minister Chretien stood out with the United Nations against the illegal war on Iraq , freeing us from being murderers , unwanted , uncivil lackeys .
This is the Canada that was , a shining tribute to reason , not even having to use the word freedom , because our civility already included freedom in the vision of ourselves .
I love Canada , as all Canadians do , lets not loose it to what some other country , business or money lenders want us to do or be , we're to powerful to do that .
Thank You .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July / 7 / 2014
I ask , Prime Minister Harper Sir , we here in Canada possess more than any country , our lack is population , then why do we not live in the light and power that we possess ?
No Britannia , no United States lackey , but the nameplate of what a good and workable country should be .
The country thousands of people came to . Making what we can be requires leadership not a following of other policies .
When asked most Canadians name their origins as their patriarchal countries . This is because Canada doesn't lead , it follows .
We would like our position solidified . Such as the proud day Prime Minister Chretien stood out with the United Nations against the illegal war on Iraq , freeing us from being murderers , unwanted , uncivil lackeys .
This is the Canada that was , a shining tribute to reason , not even having to use the word freedom , because our civility already included freedom in the vision of ourselves .
I love Canada , as all Canadians do , lets not loose it to what some other country , business or money lenders want us to do or be , we're to powerful to do that .
Thank You .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July / 7 / 2014
I ask the rest of humanity ,
" Who would have ever dreamt that most of our locked in the ground petroleum , would someday return to the surface of Earth ?
Doesn't it make you feel used ?
Like an anthill farm , we pumped , ignited , heated , and fueled most of Crud Oil .
Was this the plan ?
Kinda creepy ?
Earth wanted an oil change and we were the army ants .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July /7/2014 .
Hey , hold it People of the United States , usually when a politician says on their presidential campaign , " I'm going to stop that war as soon as I'm sworn in " ,
They don't do it .
Agreed ?
Well maybe Ms. Clinton will turn around and surprise everyone with some real politics .
I'm a Canadian born in Italy . When I was a child of 9 years the principle of my school came to the door and whispered , everyone pray President Kennedy has been shot and is dead .
Even at that age I could feel the world unraveling , that this mans death took more than a President , it was the death of the United States and all of the hope and the dream that was America .
No more , Yellow Brick Road , no more Mayberry , no more Jackie Gleason .
Now secretiveness and insanity , and corruption , that has put the greatest dream in the history of mankind , to the position it is today .
The people Weakened in , belief , security , and direction .
I don't believe the blessing is in America anymore , a dream weakened to the point of no credibility , is a dream lost . And nobody blesses anything that is almost insolvent .
I remember summer days , under the security of real leaders , Canadian and United States . They fiercely defended their countries .
Do you think anything as insane As 911 would have happened with Kennedy , Eisenhower , Diefenbaker , or the revolutionaries of America ?
How do we recreate America ?
If I may be so bold , could I make suggestions ?
America must go back and repair its mistakes , its lies , and its direction .
When the communist Warsaw pack was dissolved , didn't a pledge to disassemble NATO , was put out as the legal thing to do .
NATO is an illegal Army with no constraints , because it doesn't answer to any country , it is a mercenary army that has no directions , but dirty ones .
In my home town Sault Canada , you'd never see Heroin this far north , today it's part of our street drug trade like cocaine .
Why ? Well NATO planes have bracingly loaded planes with Afghanistan Heroin and brought it on home .
Thanks for the buzz , just keeping it off the streets of Afghanistan right ?
The asylum is run by the inmates .
I don't think the people are even considered as a reason for anything directing for their best interests ?
John , John Kennedy , could you come back somehow ?
America needs you more now than ever , then maybe it would be reblessed ?
Gianfranco Fronzi . July 5 / 2014
Whomever came up with the term "Space Time " ,it had to be from a sci-fi flick ?.
Space hasn't got time to warp , speedup , slow down , or bend .
To actually relate space and time is , I'm sure you'll all agree ? " Is how much time does it take for you to cross a certain amount of it " ?
Otherwise all features of time are simply based on our recording of its passing .
Faster or slower , when related to time is not an option .
Energy that has encompassed the past has dispersed , and energy needed for the future is aligning . But changing speed is warping only your mind .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July / 22/2014