Imagine .
No corruption , no excuses , no regrets , the world should realize , there's no going back home ?
That even with electricity and communications cut off , the people are so learned today a high school student can revive it .
Isn't this what we wanted ?
Then why don't we want it for the rest of the world ?
We're not alone , people aren't going to disappear as factions or groups , they'll disappear as taxed , lied to , murdered , victims , and turn everything back on the guilty .
You've picked a poor time to try and pull wool .
What ? How about ; we're here to unnaturally direct energy ?
The key words here is " U.S. Dollar .
I thought Democracy was tied in with Capitalism ?
According to Capitalism , the best value wins , why is America afraid if it's soluble ?
And the Oil problems aren't problems at all , the oil industry is going down the tubes , The transition to solar and free energy is taking over .
Your bullshit on Russian hate is comparable to your feelings on Russia .
Shut up , and you aren't change your a full dump of propaganda .
I want to hear from Putin's mouth .
Don't fall for this , you must show up for your vote , you can destroy your ballot if you wish but they will vote for you if you don't show up .
Alright people tell me this , if we didn't have the words , the thought process , now I'm the first to like the Ancient Roman ways , but does this work for today ? I'm sure as many bads piled up gets more airtime than any good , but does it mean bad is a desirable way of life ? To survive , you say ? In the modern world which was constructed under the power of Easter , bad is not going to cut it and good is going to define our future .
+Fire Marshall Phillip Unfortunately Mr. Philip , it's the only conclusion we can expect from our simplistic ways of thought . There's no Question that something is fishy , isn't there ? But I ask why ?
The Pentagon , the highest military complexes on earth , gathering all intelligence , weather patterns , social behaviors all over this friggen planet . A structure that has enough information and firepower to destroy the entire planet if not the universe ?
Why can't the show us a simple video or even picture too scrutinize ?
Yet my corner store can show me a video clip of its dumpster and what was done with it within the last eight hours ?
What's up With That ?
You'll notice the Quantum Physicist ends his scene with these words ;
" God Bless You ".
Thus we are peering into his knowledge of what a Quantum Physicist still can't add up .
As in , " does God exist " ?
Having said that .
I don't wish to aggrandize myself , but I've bean around and for awhile , so I'd like to add my views on meditation .
If you were to ask the Yogis ,they're assuming you will reach the understanding with the preliminaries , but rarely do people do that , people today want faster results .
Here's what , I believe is untold .
Meditation is a cumulative effect .
By giving the preludes they don't tell you you've got to stick with it , the commitment is part of the desired results .
Thanks .
Yes they should . Only certain people can own this breed . Because the Pit Bull isn't your regular dog , that will do what you want , and please you because of your existence . It is a free intelligent and proud creature , with its own thoughts and dislikes . It demands respect and knows it doesn't need you to survive . So it takes a lot of patience and verbal reassuring to prove to it your value as its master . Few people can do this .
This is an absolute , people are usually alike and an insult to a person you don't know can set the pace of the future . It doesn't cost as much to be civil , but the price of being uncivil costs the whole world .
No disrespect to the ladies , but I believe most of mankind likes some form of pain . The most powerful pain I can think of is " Love ". Oh yea doesn't that heartache come in number one in the I love pain rankings ? Well , this abuse that , by the way isn't a female only thing , I'm a big guy and the males are supportive usually , as women support themselves . But do you see a guy put up a " I was Abused poster " like this one ? No . It's almost like we're a separate species , within the same entity ? Now I don't wish to upset anybody but , " What's up with That ?"
The Internet has something to fear far worse than any legislation , or overpricing or neutrality or censorship .
It could loose us .
Mr. O'Reilly is being swept up in a tide of something that is infecting mankind , Reasoning and Living Reasonable .
Thank you Mr. President , and all involved in the creation of this deal .
The world is now a better place . Isn't it infectious ?
Welcome home Iran . Civility marks our humanity , let's keep going for it .
There's a lot of rich people and certain countries that might try to enrage you into the wrong position , so keep your telephone open for America .
+Jamcous13 How about ? The stance of communications with Iran's nuclear power ? Instead of Netanyahu's wanting to have America attack Iran ? Or China wanting to join in with the humanitarian ways of this period and outlawing Elephant and dog murders , going against traditions , thanks China , keep fighting . Or how about there's only one conflict on Earth at this time the Middle East and ISIS ? This to will be handled civilly . No , were not perfect yet but I believe everyone is working on it , because we don't want bullshit and money driven war or nature killed and suffering .
You know why ?
" Chrystal Blue Persuasion ".
No , I don't agree with toying with God , because God will come looking for you .To end up with a creature that isn't adaptable to it's time and we aren't capable of understanding is another strike towards our meddling stupidity , not our need for knowledge .
As sad as it is , this barbarity exists . I've sent money , and checked Soi Dog , they're ligit .
Interesting photo isn't it ? Yet some people still think that animals aren't as important as they are . Well here's a little thought from me ; those people are less important to me than these entities . You hear me .
Evil has got to be proven evil before it can be handled . This goes way beyond evidence , but hard evidence . Don't worry because true evil hasn't a real support , most people don't just give in to it , they are bought into it . The rest are just waiting for truth .
In the perspective is the keys to the real base of anything .
Kind of sad don't you think ?
I as a Canadian am just as guilty .
Not for the George Bush wars looking for weapons of mass destruction , our Prime Minister , Jean Chrétien , did the right thing for us , and wouldn't send Canadian Servicemen on a fools errand , and go to war .
But any conflict we have where we're seen as disruptive influence .
Canada was once known as the " Peacekeepers ", the country that gave hope and sanity to a turbulent world .
We should listen to the viewpoint of Ron Paul in this video .
How can America have turned into the bad guys ?
We had nothing to fear , so we went looking for enemies ?
Does that make sense to you ?
This video has been posted for over two weeks .
Why is there only 20 comments ?
Lack of interest ?
Fear of Government ?
Or , a feeling of helplessness ?
Canadians are a population of generally good people , they believe that they're government is working as any government would .
They don't have the time for politics .
They're too busy making a living .
Yet they live in the second largest country in the world .
With less of a population than European countries .
They don't realize that they should have taxis waiting outside to take them for a joyride .
Yet they are overtaxed , underserved , and tricked , into believing they're in the best country in the world .
If you compare Canada to Iran or Syria , sure it is .
But compare it to less resourceful small European countries .
Until accountable government is installed , which means ; a watchdog with no legislative power , but a separate part of social wing , that does nothing but watch the government .
And reports to
It takes a man to show a woman how to be a woman , and it takes a woman to show a man how to be a man . [ Original Fronzi Quote ].
Hey Brother Netanyahu .
You're a bit to flashy to be a real brother of anything , priests , monks , don't talk with your flair .
You're an anti-Semite and a racist .
That is a big misrepresentation of the Christians .
Don't give us that big brother New World order crap , because a world government is what will save the people of the world .
But you've got to add the Jewish faith as the sneaky commanders of world domination .
I'm an Italian Born Canadian , I've never met a Jewish person living in my Northern Ontario community .
Do you think that I would even care ?
I live my life , that's all , when I've got proof of some impending wrongdoing , then I react .
So I'm writing this now .
Your view of the sneaky Jew , I can't prove or have seen , besides videos .
So don't you think your type of talk was the same type that fueled the holocaust ?
Now I'm sure nobody wants that to happen ?
Especially the Jews ?
Keeping us divided in countries and regions is the real problem , along with different types of currency .
The day that the spike is driven into the Earth that signifies a united Earth , will be the day that will confound everyone , suddenly everyone's , " O.K.".
If what I've read here is true ? It would be unconscionable for any true justice to be had for anybody . If a sentient being like our noble friend the dog is beaten to death by a human that enjoyed it , what does that project out to the world about your legislative civility ? Does it reflect your care for a human child beaten to death ? I believe it does . Clean up this mess or be known all over the world as the , " Heartless State ". Recharge these criminals , with different wording , and convict them as they are , a danger to society .
If you circuses don't don't conform , how would you like legislation banning the circus all together , for safety reasons ?
This goes to show us that creatures can find love and need from any form of life . This dear Rhino youngster imitating his lamb buddy , is a very heartfelt scene . I wish them both a good life and it is everyone's duty to ensure this .
Why isn't ISIS attacking Israel ? Hand out balaclavas , weapons and money , and let the paid Muslims thugs do the dirty work .
And The Angel blew the trumpet and handed out balaclavas and weapons and money so that the Eagle wouldn't have to fly to his destiny .
Imagine .
No corruption , no excuses , no regrets , the world should realize , there's no going back home ?
That even with electricity and communications cut off , the people are so learned today a high school student can revive it .
Isn't this what we wanted ?
Then why don't we want it for the rest of the world ?
We're not alone , people aren't going to disappear as factions or groups , they'll disappear as taxed , lied to , murdered , victims , and turn everything back on the guilty .
You've picked a poor time to try and pull wool .
What ? How about ; we're here to unnaturally direct energy ?
The key words here is " U.S. Dollar .
I thought Democracy was tied in with Capitalism ?
According to Capitalism , the best value wins , why is America afraid if it's soluble ?
And the Oil problems aren't problems at all , the oil industry is going down the tubes , The transition to solar and free energy is taking over .
Your bullshit on Russian hate is comparable to your feelings on Russia .
Shut up , and you aren't change your a full dump of propaganda .
I want to hear from Putin's mouth .
Don't fall for this , you must show up for your vote , you can destroy your ballot if you wish but they will vote for you if you don't show up .
Alright people tell me this , if we didn't have the words , the thought process , now I'm the first to like the Ancient Roman ways , but does this work for today ? I'm sure as many bads piled up gets more airtime than any good , but does it mean bad is a desirable way of life ? To survive , you say ? In the modern world which was constructed under the power of Easter , bad is not going to cut it and good is going to define our future .
+Fire Marshall Phillip Unfortunately Mr. Philip , it's the only conclusion we can expect from our simplistic ways of thought . There's no Question that something is fishy , isn't there ? But I ask why ?
The Pentagon , the highest military complexes on earth , gathering all intelligence , weather patterns , social behaviors all over this friggen planet . A structure that has enough information and firepower to destroy the entire planet if not the universe ?
Why can't the show us a simple video or even picture too scrutinize ?
Yet my corner store can show me a video clip of its dumpster and what was done with it within the last eight hours ?
What's up With That ?
You'll notice the Quantum Physicist ends his scene with these words ;
" God Bless You ".
Thus we are peering into his knowledge of what a Quantum Physicist still can't add up .
As in , " does God exist " ?
Having said that .
I don't wish to aggrandize myself , but I've bean around and for awhile , so I'd like to add my views on meditation .
If you were to ask the Yogis ,they're assuming you will reach the understanding with the preliminaries , but rarely do people do that , people today want faster results .
Here's what , I believe is untold .
Meditation is a cumulative effect .
By giving the preludes they don't tell you you've got to stick with it , the commitment is part of the desired results .
Thanks .
Yes they should . Only certain people can own this breed . Because the Pit Bull isn't your regular dog , that will do what you want , and please you because of your existence . It is a free intelligent and proud creature , with its own thoughts and dislikes . It demands respect and knows it doesn't need you to survive . So it takes a lot of patience and verbal reassuring to prove to it your value as its master . Few people can do this .
This is an absolute , people are usually alike and an insult to a person you don't know can set the pace of the future . It doesn't cost as much to be civil , but the price of being uncivil costs the whole world .
No disrespect to the ladies , but I believe most of mankind likes some form of pain . The most powerful pain I can think of is " Love ". Oh yea doesn't that heartache come in number one in the I love pain rankings ? Well , this abuse that , by the way isn't a female only thing , I'm a big guy and the males are supportive usually , as women support themselves . But do you see a guy put up a " I was Abused poster " like this one ? No . It's almost like we're a separate species , within the same entity ? Now I don't wish to upset anybody but , " What's up with That ?"
The Internet has something to fear far worse than any legislation , or overpricing or neutrality or censorship .
It could loose us .
Gianfranco Fronzi April /11 / 2015