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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Comments Fronzi .August /26 / 2013

What did you expect ? A different color doesn't change the bullets . President Obama is doing a juggling act to appease everyone . But here's the chance to make a difference .
President Obama was Quoted as saying , " I Wish an Upwelling of the people would give me some direction ", he's asking for a reason to save his ass by having the people take their responsibilities , which they should . You want your dollars from the fed , well he doesn't want to get shot, so speak up .Or shut up sheep .

bowtie , I live on the Michigan border and have had many good relations with the U.S. As people your some of the best . Maybe I've  been lucky , but I've traveled all over the States and didn't see a police state , I was treated well and helped as well as possible . You see the rest of the world only hears what the get from media , what would you think from that view ? Get your government back as a service , not a thug .


Don't you see , it's the way it is .
I wish I could just wave my hand and make everything right but I can't .
What will correct any imbalances is what is in the souls of the guilty .
This is workable .
Relax it's already in gear .
I feel for the family , but there's still officials that you can contact .

4" The Good Old Days ", What does this referral mean ? That things have gotten worse ? That doesn't make sense ? Or does it ?
What someone saying the good old days , usually means certain aspects that the person  selects from memory .
Well I'm from the era of sex drugs and rock and roll , take it from there .
Example : Blasting back and forth down main street on my Harley , drunk as a drunk .
The night police guys egging me on with the rest of the crowd , and then they tell me o.k. straight home Fronz Your to drunk .
Now that was the good old days .

Could we see some real time photos or video from the many cameras the Pentagon , the building that houses the most powerful military complex on earth . Has .
It's been 10 years , I do believe any secrecy isn't needed now . Why isn't the present administration exposing what the answers are ? Don't mess with our heads and finish this , cause it's not entertaining . It's nightmarish , to the regular people of earth to not know .And destroys America as it was known .


China , your credibility as a modern forward society is at question if the need for raw ivory is not surmountable by your authority . Stop this trade otherwise it's comparable to killing the Mona Lisa so you can paint her . We're not perfect but we're still justified to criticize you on this one . Ivory trade is pandemically illegal , enforce the law , otherwise we could shop somewhere else , India maybe ?


This is why a book that is a compilation of ancient writing , translated many times an d through many offshoots , can become dangerous . Whomever questions a book isn't questioning the books main character , but it's authors .

Snow on , is a U.S. plant to see who is for or against the US ., They can't defeat a disease that a single doctor did alone in cats , yet they can give you an exact date they're going to turn the lights off ?
  " Black flag ", cover your communities , from your federalist authorities .


Mr. Williams Johnson you wouldn't even get your belt undone in front of Perseus , I don't want too , but I like his selection . You don't fuck something you love . So you're even of my list . But I know the hard task of deciding what I do want to fuck today . So stay out of our way cause me and Perseus might like your deodorant .


At the academy of the musical arts , universities Fronzi Megaworks , we've decided to petition this song as the best love inspired tune " Streets of Love " , by the
 " Rolling Stones " .
Top comment , " If you miss your chance at true love , You will walk the streets of love for a thousand years .


Thanks for a fabulous evening , your video is so uplifting , even though you're rehashing the same doom and gloom we hear everywhere else .
Why don't you tell us about some apocalyptic rock about to jam itself up our refuse orifices ?
 Relax it's all part of the show , all we can hope for , " Is to Play Our Roles Well "


Another tragedy because of imposing drug laws . What a dismal failure to your citizens , making criminals because of their inability to get and use drugs , you're the only ones that can do that , so "  Governments are the Biggest Drug Dealers of All ".


Give us your poor , your downtrodden , your persecuted . I didn't know Canada was going to safe harbor gays , our system though towards homosexuality is the most logical and modern on earth . We're not fools though and refugee applicants are checked for validity . If your looking for the light Canada with all it's diversity is still North America's real world , at least we're not homophobes . Only real men can accept and not feel threatened by gays .


I've got nothing to say , I didn't see or hear a thing , and I can't explain the BBC reporting it earlier . 
                                                    Why ?
I don't have to , Mr. " Jowenko " did it for me .


People of the night have different ways of getting energy than people of the daylight .
 It's nothing sinister , just another way that a spirit collect's it's energy .
Maybe daylight is too much for that spirit ?
" Hello Darkness my Old Friend , You've come To Visit Me Again ",
                   [Simon & Garfunkel ].

Have you ever wished that every human on earth would disappear , and you could just be here by yourself with just the animals ?
Well you are .


Some people's junk are another persons gold .
Want to know why ?
 Because a broken vehicle has more to say than one in perfect shape .
Then you get to learn the language of your vehicle and this language syncs with other languages .
Now isn't that knowledge worth more than gold ?


If you miss your chance at true love .
 You will walk the streets of love for a thousand years .

Why would you say something like that , you need attention ?
To me you are what you say the gorilla is . Because bonds as strong as this are  made because of need , the gorilla knew life would be safer and happier with the man . The man was just visiting and couldn't give the gorilla false hope . But the gorilla following him and waiting all night ? Grow up gorilla .

 Gianfranco Fronzi . August  / 26 / 2013