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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

April / 8 /2013 . Comments from the web

1. Youtube reply religious .

Well said  Mr. Tyson , it seems though that this is probably how most people feel . Although they'll deny it for argument or fashion .
We don't know everything and religious beliefs aren't based on tangible facts .
So if your a civilized human and your life is a well accepted style , why even use the brain space questioning yourself .

2. Youtube confirmation .

This man is right , the speed of light isn't the fastest , and judging from the response his idea is being held back . Well he's right if light is the ultimate speed , nothing should be able to control it .
Gianfranco Fronzi .

3.  Animals Rites

Classifying an animal as human doesn't sound possible , but giving animals rites that preserve them and their way of life does .
To laws or countries that declassify humans we've got to pressure , convicted criminals or people of social disorder fall not into subhuman but not capable of justice , and should be reserved as non- social , but animal classification is definitely a touchy subject . What to eat , and what to protect ?

4.   Youtube comparisons on ancient stories .

Good arguments in this video , but doesn't the comparisons in each religious story give more truth to being from one common story ?
Thus giving strength to one common origin ?
Thus one common beginning ? With differing stories for each interpretation ?

5.  Youtube reply to homo beatles .

I didn't say its a plot my dear , But if its a  bad  thing to call a person , it's defined as bad , agreed ?
So why call the Beatles homos when they weren't ?
The answer is inside all of us .
Your the one adding a mysterious plot , your all gay . And don't deny it .

6. Facebook reply.

Quality of thought is like saying , " thought has boundaries " that can be judged . And it can and is . But if the judges viewpoint is say inebriated his viewpoint isn't really his natural stance . Therefore Quality of thought is judged by a lifetime , and the quality ,is a point system defining the way of thought , of the judged . For instance the term " Pillar of Society ", denotes a common view of a person . So after all is said , it is right to say " quality of thought defines true intelligence ", I just wanted to Refine the definition . Thank You. I Think ?

7. a . Youtube reply to misguided

You've proved with this statement your not level .
First , Why would we waste our time doing something like this when we build structures and installations that aliens would have a hard time doing ? Like tunnels under the north sea joining Britain and France , or Skyscrapers of solid marble .Your don't insult me , your insulting the builder of Punku .
You didn't read my first entry here , "What is different now than back then ?"
Nothing . Figure it out , goofy .

You seem to have a problem that's not quickly repairable , put me on the job with manpower and modern machinery , and I'll build a pyramid covering puma punku , within 5 years .

8 . Youtube reply to my simple videos

You know blackXSpr , I've been a mechanic all my life , fixing things in Northern Ontario , just learning what I look and sound like , is my first steps .
But if I live long enough and get caught up in all the projects I attempt , I'll give you something that will arouse your interests .
      Do you see what I'm doing by watching and listening to myself ?
    And your absolutely right ,best for you to avoid any arguments with me .

9. Koko gorillas to human suggestions .

To sum up what I just watched , I would use this biblical passage ,

      " If you Cut Us do We all not Bleed ? "


The experiment was a good one , it put mankind in it's place as far as intelligence .
But to go as far as to have a community of talking gorillas isn't of any use to mankind and  definitely not a service gorillas need , they do fine on their own .
The zoo curator is right , Penny formed a strong attachment with Koko but she wasn't a part of her natural group and lived alone basically .
I would like to express the experiment was good but gorillas belong with gorillas . And experiments are over .

10 . Sault Star entry.

For the other northern cities I can't speak for , but for Sault Ste. Marie I see a future so bright we're all going to need sunglasses . This city is the center of a huge green energy lay line . We're at the spot where the largest fresh water bodies meet . Also the center of the North American Continent , with more natural resources in our district than most countries . Oh yea , if your going to invest this is the place .

11 . Youtube misguided

How can you say scientists can't say we can produce these things , or humans with modern technology  can't create these tools ?
We can do this stonework within weeks .
Your problem is your asking scientists , what do they know of stonework ?
 Ask a stoneworker .