1 . Facebook rant .
Hello , Im your local authorities , we are legion , we are dangerous , we're not anonymous , but when you need good governmental , or personal attention , or giving you back your rites , " Don't Expect Us ".
2. Youtube reply
You've made an assumption , I know who and what I am . It's you that wants to classify me . I was born into a Catholic family , but religion wasn't forced, and as far as classifying religions as viruses , don't viruses have many characteristics , the bad ones when overcome actually immunizing . I feel you have issues , but instead of dealing with them you kill the messengers , history repeating ? Ciro walk in peace , why? Because we love you too .
3. Youtube reply
Yes , I give all ways of thought that gave mankind it's social direction , as well as it's survivability , the same respect . I was born Christian but I'm not fool enough to think that mankind is not all from the same egg . Live like your spiritual leaders taught you , not by what man has added to their words . They agree on Love, fairness, forgiveness , and community , the community of Mankind .
4 . Youtube Reply
I am Canadian , born in Italy , so I've traveled and seen governments and ways of life all over . The reason Canada isn't questioning it's fragmented and bizarre way of government is because the country is too rich to complain . If the balance of wealth ran out , Canadians would then destroy their system , knowing that it has to be corrupt .Canada is the second largest country on earth with less population than manhattan , do the math , with resources alone every Canadian should be rich .
5. Youtube reply
Looking from 2013 it's easy to argue for or against the existence of Jesus . Ask yourselves would this story have flourished and overtaken the Roman Empire ? Something or someone caused a huge ripple in history . Your answers should be found in Italy , with the history past on by elders to elders . The general consensus is the story to have a basis . If it didn't the Romans would have quashed it , yet Christianity overtook Rome . To compare Christ with other deities or celestial space freaks, no
6. Facebook rant.
I've seen that look . When an adult female , talks acts , and dresses up , in a young girls style , all you guys out there watch out , the worst form of an evil bait is being used .
She has nothing but seducing your corruption in mind , so she can feed on it , hey a girls gotta make a living .
Huge White Silver Tipped Male
7. Facebook rant
A compass is an indicator of direction in a circular format , morals usually are linear , otherwise a compasses direction doesn't give you the best path just the direction . A moral guide map is more suitable . I happen to have just such a guide complete with maps and repercussions , at a workable price .
8. Youtube reply .
Who are we . Good question . On looking at the whole picture we seem to come from different sources and we are the end results . Any entity on the planet classified as human can by union of males and females produce another human , yet our makeup suggest a mixed bag of reptilian , mammalian , and in our future possibly a whole new species of hominid . It seems like our development coincides with a running project of attempts . All in tune with the planets changes .
9. Facebook rant
Hello , fellow humans . time has offered a window .
" I am not Anonymous ",
" I am but one entity "
" I do Forgive "
" And I Do Forget ".
" Expect Me " .
Gianfranco Fronzi . April /17 / 2013
10 .Youtube rant
If your lifestyle was lowered n any way you'd attack your government .
Therefore they must keep you happy .
Thus they have to go about the world and steal and murder for you .
You are then part of and in on the corruption .
Your army is voluntary , therefore they're not yours , they're mercenaries .
11 . Adhd rant .
Hello , I've been living with ADHD all my life . The portion dealing with responsibility is good , but would if the victim is having a problem with perception at the time ? Not an excuse , but a viewpoint in itself .
Would you not take into consideration the world some of us live in ?
It's different , yet with Ritalin , I'm capable of writing this page to you , rather than scribbled lines that I believe I'll remember .
It's , in another way , a type of weird gift , one that makes no sense , until it , with the proper medication , is aligned .
I still have the curiosity of a child , though I'm 58 years . I want to know and see everything . Not very financially rewarding , but who knows what this well oiled machine can uncover ?
Gianfranco Fronzi . April / 13/ 2013
12 . Youtube Rant .
There isn't enough time in our history to create homo sapiens , it would take millions of years just to develop an eyeball .
And yes you are programmed as a child , " when I was a child I thought and acted as a child , when I became a man I put away my childish ways , and was one with myself .
Manhood = Heaven .
13 . something to believe in post
Perimeter people .
" New World Order ".
We've connoted this term with some secret society , that wants to manipulate the people of earth .
Let's forget about them , because , once we've got our bearings , we will have to become , a
"New World Order ".
If you haven't been aware , we are steadily , regardless of our race , our wealth , our place , or our hair color , anything .
We are moving into our future , now we can all shed a tear for the past but our future is our destination .
Those of you who would like to live in the past , goodbye , we've got work to do .
Most of it as repairs , but zooming up fast is a "Brave New World ", where hopefully singular rule by an ego driven leader is replaced by knowledgeable Individuals , that aren't touchable .
Scared ? Don't be , what's in our future can't be bought or corrupted , because it's not in our hands .
It's in our collective manipulation , unstoppable , and a disaster to the , soon to be ,
" Old World Order ".
Arrivederci baby .
Gianfranco Fronzi . April / 12 / 2013
14. something to believe in post
Perimeter pupils .
We her at the "something to believe in universities " have noticed , after a large study campaign globally .
That the average person couldn't define " Freedom " , they could feel a spiritual uplift from the word , but to describe it was fragmented .
Thus we threw the question to Fronz , his reply ?
Freedom is , { The Ability To Live Life On Your Own Terms } .
Arrivederci Baby .
April / 11 / 2013
15 . Facebook reply
The key words here are " Free " And "Politics ", why do the people have to fight their government for freedom ?
16. Youtube reply
Good question , "what would be the point of life if just to die" ?
And yes muscle memory is a definitive , your arm you lift is repeating a motion possibly started by the brain but the arms muscles take off and do the familiar . Have you ever seen a farmer behead a chicken , well the headless body tries to hide itself , or it takes to flight , all without it's head .
17 . Youtube reply .
If you take away everything biological , even the brain , what spark or force is left ? There has to be something connecting life to reality , regardless of the mind . Without a driver would life actually happen ? We can't see the force but we feel it by our need to go onward . This goes beyond us , and is in us , and doesn't get destroyed at death . A person with brain damage can still live , yet a persons will to survive is the deciding factor , if it will live .