I was ready to fight and die for Canada . Most of The born citizen Canadians won't , now I'll have to wait . But this is an insult that you just can't change . Mr. Harper you just destroyed Canada , because your type won't do the work , and won't defend this country . If the second class citizens leave , there goes any class . You won't know how to screw in a light bulb , or build a weapon as you run to the front lines . Canada would lack everything except how to drown a beaver . You're quite the asshole we expected because you just shot Canada's feet off . Have fun when your heat won't work or somebody attacks . Maybe the Queen mum will give you a prerogue ?
Emma cry I do . Someday mankind may become natural again ? Till then we will suffer . The people that perform insults on the innocent will be eliminated by a new way of thought when mankind realizes that everything that lives on Earth is from one common lifeform . We could just as well turn into a fish or monkey , because life here is from a design , not a evolvement . We all life aren't to far apart in makeup . Until we feel the pain we won't respect it . Me and you just feel the pain now . the rest will wish they had our empathy , because nature doesn't feel any , and it's doing experiments all the time .
I would rather die or survive any disease rather than test a cure by purposely giving the disease to anything handy .
Imagine this ; A race of aliens reach Earth , they are dying from a horrible disease .
They test our bodies and find we are comparable in our types .
They then imprison all of humanity , put us in separate cells so we cant ruin the testing . We arent cared for properly because we're to die anyways .
They come and take us one at a time and perform horrible tests on us that kill us or they discard us after , because we're useless now anyways .
Why are they doing this to us ?
What did we to them ?
Nothing .
But We di
Quite humorous .
I was born in Italy , I came to Canada at the age of two in 1957 . I worked and gave more to this country than a million Harpers .
I bought my citizenship with blood sweat and tears .
Unlike pompous useless thugs like Harper , who just were born ,then corruptly sucked his way into a position that he put himself in, not Canadians .
I dare you Harper , second class citizen you say ?
I dare you to take my citizenship .
Now that the country is built for you we can leave ?
Do it Canadian beggar , take my citizenship .
If you are bombarded with answers , nobody really knows ?
So , how about a simple one ?
For any event , catastrophic , messianic , uplifting , depressing ?
There usually has a series of events that all intertwine to set up , in effect , for the target event to have the conditions needed to go down . Agreed ?
Cern , is turning out to be a dime store rags news feed . It's only a particle collider , what ever came from particles colliding ? Now , particles rubbing or resonating , now you've got something cooking .
You've got to ask yourself ?
This weather change thing ? Is it true ? Because we the taxpayers of America can't see our money's research statistics , or any scientific per-suite that we pay for .
Funny huh ?
Any change , and I do believe we're in an interesting time , well , it will show first amongst the people .
These people aren't unidentifiable .
They're just new themselves .
You've just got to know what or who to look for ?
So what's new ?
There is a new type of human walking the earth .
Look ?
I don't know but I'm guessing .
Rumsfeld payed to make this movie ?
And it's Title , " Please , they told me this was going on , but I didn't know for sure , so it's not my fault . it's their fault , Don't put me in jail , I didn't ; monopolize , steal , murder , or fail anybody . But I'm not sure ?"
If you watch Mr. Page you should notice he also develops a character within the video .It is introduced slowly , and with each entry he not only develops the story , but he himself gets more comfortable with his narration , and words and feelings come from him faster and deeper , with more expression .
With the quick cut of the last entry .
One of the best songs , and musical ability of expression .
" To be a Rock and not to Roll "?
Excellent rationalization Mr. Chomsky .
It set a few unseen tripwires in my train of thought .
Except for ," It is unproven that the Bush Administration had anything at all concerning the events at 911." This is what bothers me the most of all .
"Why didn't they have anything at all to do with 911 ?
As in ; " Protecting their friggen country ?"
Why , even the Pentagon was hit by a jetliner ?
What are your views on that ?
Also , I do believe that these Professionals are afraid to speak , why everyone in America fears their Government .
Finally , you're absolutely right , they were to good , because they could have blamed Iran .
But , they ., after killing stealing , and overtaking a foreign people .
They were too stupid to bring a reason to go , " A weapon of Mass Destruction "?
Oh yea , you had a real runners up of sure fire good guys just trying to " Help "?
What an interesting clip of a family life .
This I don't believe was staged in any way , because the mothers mouths would have been closed and their eye movements would have been rapid .
These creatures might surprise us and their open hearts carry them through times that test the heart , and remove the less sentient of entities ?
You gatta love these guys .
I admire stubborn thought when it concerns rebellion from stubborn suppression .
But when rebellion isn't needed and is replaced by stupid stubborn greed and oppression , leading to death and suffering , I've got to question a regional conflict such as Israel's and now the Muslim factions involved .
The protagonist was Israel , but now could just be Israels ability to acquire money , and employ mercenaries , terrorists , and influence .
The Muslim faction is not a clear one and is showing the same effects of corruption that Israel has .
Therefore solutions are getting harder to garner and interplay is not funneling towards solutions .
An unsolvable yet disastrous situation can't be condoned or perpetuated by any outside influence , but deserves constriction by the countries that have the power to spoon feed a solution into fruition .
Before something can be found you have to know what it looks like .
Therefore it has to be assembled for them and infused into their thought , just as an imposing law is infused on any countries citizens .
Otherwise are we to accept suffering , corruption , greed , and all the bad traits that we all agree to be bad as a species ?
There's a very good reason we feel bad traits to be bad .
Accepting them is also just as bad , even worse .
I ask ?
If Solon of Greece received the story of Atlantis from the Egyptians ?
Where do ancients get to even speak the words ,
" Wireless energy "?
Also the older the stonework , the harder and complicated was the cutting and placement of the stonework ?
And it was in the most unsuspecting places like ; Easter Island ?
We've become too complacent on our handling of food stock animals . This will backfire on mankind because of conditions more profit can bring compared to more care of our animals . This opening the possibilities of plagues , dangerous foods and spiritual emptiness towards living organisms , even our view of the value of human life . Bad triggers we've seen before and safeguards implemented by religious factions not political ones . "The day will come when men such as I look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men." - Leonardo Da Vinci ".
We as skeptics require proof of foretelling .
We assemble what can happen by counting events especially the strange ones .
This year 2015 does have a strange feel to it .
Indicators ; The Catholic Church becoming political , and the Pope speaking out of place , along with his friendly alliance with the President Obama , Who went against Jewish applications of a nonnuclear position towards Iranian power plant enriching of uranium .
Prophetic foretelling of Papal lineage and its aligning with biblical destruction and supernatural occurrences and personalities .
Israels positioning of itself as a powerful region because of its monetary network of Jewish Financiers all over the globe , and their influence on governments .
An interesting division of Israels and United States policies .
In effect , an alliance of a very dangerous factions , Church and State , as in ; Catholicism and President Obama , a Muslim leaning figure .
This gives the possibilities of many bizarre occurrences ; A new Crusade ? A new holocaust ? Nuclear war ? Or general bad feelings on factions that weren't disturbed before and towards 2015 .
Muslim attacking Muslim as in Saudi and Yemen war .
And the sudden rise of a mysterious , possibly pseudo , Muslim faction" ISIS ".
Who are attacking and killing Muslims instead of Israelis .
Put this into a pot called 2015 and stand back .
How does this happen ? You are at war in effect , with your own money . It's fluctuations directed by a private group . The only answer is, to do as you do to any enemy , shoot first and take back your possessions .
+Frisky Bottomsuuater Hey , if you aren't sure of your ability to manage yourself against tyranny ? And you believe that your armed forces will turn their credo from freeing a foreign country , but is ready to enslave its own citizens . Then you're in rough shape .
Because a situation like that is against everything that America is or was about .
If it starts I'm sure every American , will hit the streets .
Does this even sound right to you ? Sounds corny ? But cornier has happened ?
So don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes .