Why are we at war ? And buying super expensive bullshit weapons that only work on two missiles and one machine ? Your all fu--d .
2 . On Obama .
Wait , he's openly telling you he's pro Muslim ? He didn't have to . This action can either soften the blow , in which case the United States would be the stupidest country , or create peace , and understanding .
On observation , the President is pro Muslim , and the pope is German . If i were Jewish i'd be afraid .
3. On YouTube 911 video .
Listen to my voice not my words , the guilty don't pay . The dead and destroyed do . After there's no recovery , because it's not possible .
I'm Canadian , and i live on the border of United States , you are some of the finest people in the world . I feel your pain , from being used .
May God Bless America .
4. on time space bull video .
Einstein and physicists , are bound by mathematics . Connecting dots on paper is simple , but it makes no sense . You can't go foreword into a future that hasn't been created yet . And to go back in time, if possible , would require recouping all the energy expounded since that period .
5. Yutube egyptian video .
I'd worked as a millwright most of my life ,and Mr. Dunn is the key here , he's technical and and hands on , in one . Therefore we can gauge the scenario thru his comparison .
All you have to do is ask yourselves , What is on Earth now and what was on Earth then , That's different ?
6 .On Donald Trump bitching about capitalism .
Hello , i'm Canadian , and i can't believe a capitalist like Trump bitching about capitalism ?
This is what the western world always wanted , now that we can't compete we start to cry .
This is Sparta , nobody can compete with us . Lets let free trade take us into the next step in cultural business . And make us compete fairly , I did it in my time , and it's up to bat for the new generations , make us proud , and rich .
7. something to believe in post
Perimeter perceptions .
" Stubborn " The word that balances between , "unintelligible " and " Genius " .
The balancing act starts with a question .
" Is being Stubborn a good trait ? Or an aggravating inflexibility " ?
All i know is " i've been told , a beautiful Woman Ain't Got No Soul " .
Arrivederci baby .
Gianfranco Fronzi . November / 15 / 2012

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