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Monday, July 6, 2015

Fronzi's Comments from all over the friggen Internet . Sault . Ontario . Toronto. Los Angeles. New York . East West . Up . Down . and Sideways .

+philip sarkol Sure Philipe , don't worry .
You got it bud .
As was said , " The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away ".
We are the mofo'n Lord . Now .
Don't touch these people , we want them to live long lives .
Let them know that when you take away from innocents , when you bind them and force them to accept the losses of their labour , their hard earned possessions you rifle through like ghouls , after you've raised their ability to pay for what you baited them into borrowing .
Well , you've got nowhere to hide , because you're trying to hide from yourselves.
Lend them something , your civility , your love for your fellow man , and your ability to give rather than steal . But give them nothing . Your lives are too precious . Their lives are now up to their own judgement , how will it look from behind , looking at themselves ?
While thousands needlessly die they're were worrying about their next scheme .
Well looks like tea time is over ? Because nothing is going to stop it .
Through the eye of a needle .
That's the beauty of it .
You don't have to do anything .
It's already been paid for .
Don't worry about anything coming at us , or from the earth , what is coming is from inside .
If you'll notice the odd movements of the moon and it's effects on the females .


Hello .
The fitted stones also seem to be bevelled at the joints ?
Obviously we , or some lost race of life form  lived and had a different or higher technology than we have . Some cataclysm wiping out any evidence or recordings .
The way of fitting these stones isn't only in south america but scattered all over the world .
I would investigate that the reasoning for this is that the walls are actually huge books that tell the story of the events .
Why else build this without any reasoning , not roofed , confined , or breakwalls .
Send calligraphers , language experts , code breakers and linguists to read the walls .  


Blemished Sacrifices

Is anyone here really ADHD because if you really are you'd stop questioning and take your pills . How about living in a non linear world where everything is confused ? Don't pretend to know anything about a malfunction that can be managed by these speedy drugs because they work and if something works then what ? Lets not use them ? Ok find your own way but to millions of people these speed type drugs are their salvation . You decide that your going to save their life and kill their ability to live in it ? Go find murderers and thieves , not the ADHD sufferer that for one time can have a linear thought .

Gianfranco Fronzi This is the true reason people fear and abuse the Pitt Bull . Because they really don't need us , they are a thinking , powerful entity that actually outdoes mankind . Yet they won't hurt a human , to the point of being terrible guard dogs . Anyone that needs legislation because of that , is a coward that should stand behind this creature and would do the rest of mankind a disservice by not having the ability to command his environment , therefore invaluable to us . Any politician that is of like ilke as the coward and implements such legislation shouldn't be in a position of public decision making because they would be useless to us , as in , not deserving the rite to a military . Because the soldier , loyal , and giving , with a tenacity to survive , that politician doesn't respect or want to have around after the soldier has done his duty . Such as the Pitt Bull , which has served us as our mascot and unbelievably in service of the United States army . Check out , " Sgt Stubby ", the only animal decorated as a war hero .
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+sofuggit What we see here in this thread started by a Ms. Sfuggit , is the culmination of a generation that don't know or realize their positions as men and women .
Just follow this credo and you'll be alright .
It takes a woman to show a man how to be a man .
And it takes a man to show a woman how to be a woman .
Okay kids ?
An update from wefuggedit many times and the still fugginitallthetime colleges and universities .

Play Requiem and they'll believe ?
Ah I'm confused ?
Ah , why would you want to pump negative ions into the ionosphere ?
There was a shortage of negativity ?
Or , they wanted to overload it and this caused energy to flow down as electric rain ?
Also , if Moses , [ peace be all over him], stole the Arc of the Covenant from the Pyramid .
And you attribute Ramses , who suddenly realized that Egypt's power was coming from the ark  , as the Pharaoh that chased Moses [ peace cover him] .
Weren't the Pyramids at Giza built fifteen hundred years before Ramses [ Peace be quite ] ?
Records of ancient Greeks and Romans , express that there wasn't a known entrance or interior of the pyramids ?
I don't know ? Just asking ?
Just confused .   

I didn't find anything new in this video .
Except . I thought President George Bush , after he was done using the schoolchildren as cover , was whisked aboard Airforce 1 . And he flew around aimlessly and was in full control of his bowls ? 
Regardless of the facts in this video .
This is the real meat and potatoes .
Where was the most powerful security on the face of this planet ?
Because ?
Now you really don't know this fact but I saw it in a quick scene .
But the Pentagon , I repeat the friggen Pentagon , was also hit by a passenger jet ?
I can't prove this though because the Pentagon cameras won't working that day .
Weird hey ?
Wow ! Everything went wrong that day .
Didn't those people pay their taxes ?
Didn't they know that they were in the most unguarded areas on earth ?
Anybody else would have known , like everyone that didn't go near those buildings .
Only in America ?
I hope ? 

As I read the comments , I notice that it comes down to a ; who's at fault , the Leopard or the human guide ?
I believe that to be a rather simple question .
Of course the Human is at Fault . Especially being a guide employed by the reserve .
Now , I am an animal lover , and you might say that I'm biased towards the animals ?
In that case , I'd have to say , I'm not that stupid , as to not see , and speak on what I have to make my decision .
What was the reason for the attack ? Hunger ? Excitement from a fight ? Didn't like humans? 
And why did the professional ranger guide have himself to offer ?
But on the subject of who should have died ?
Death and who should die after the fact , isn't a question that we should be asking or thinking .
Wouldn't you like to see and tour an African game preserve ?
This is the price we pay to have that ability , our hearts are torchered and saddened by such an incident .
We are humans , we make mistakes .
But as humans we must not walk away without a solution .
Because we can communicate and record to all other humans .
The Leopard can't .

I'm pretty good at smelling the wind , watching the sky , and flapping my lips .
But what is disturbing about this period is ; it's got everything that has accumulated us as a social assembly arriving at this time .
Religious , governmental , technological , economical , and astral .
I've been watching .
And it's not unsurmountable .
But you've also got to realize that there is a huge evil that is ready to profit and encumber anything and anyone that has the key .
Afraid ? Don't be . I'm a little afraid  , but I'm lucky , I've been given just enough to be sapient , and at the same time objective to fear . 
I've also had an extraordinary life , who could want more ?
I'm their worst nightmare . 

Anyone of any faction of mankind .
As I surf Youtube , and the net ,I'm coming to a conclusion concerning life on this planet .
This planet is a controlled environment , sealed by it's position and design to create a way of life that is interwoven by it's common simple origins . Nothing but debris or possibly extraterrestrial intelligence can enter it's protective isolation .
Having said that .
When we look at the assembly of life , any life on earth , whether it be elephant , fish, or oak tree , we are assembled with the  same ingredients but with a different code .
Therefore ; You could have been born that baby elephant , that maple tree in your yard , or that flu bug making you sick .
Now doesn't that put a different flavour on tonight's cut of beef ?  
 Thank you .

I am a mechanic from Northern Ontario Canada . I was born in Italy .
I believe I've briefly met one Jew in my life ?
I am writing for mankind , not for me or anyone else .
So don't classify me .
But look at what I write and destroy it with your words .
If you can't ?
You've got to accept the finality of truth .
Otherwise you're beating a dead earth that's still putting up with lies .

Another spot on the nails head Bill , too bad we're so far apart because with our credos we'd be making some changes . Who'd stop us ? Men in Black ? Some guys given a roll that only we can fill for them ?  Only one thing you might not know ? Yea voting is useless but if you don't show up those pieces of shit put a vote in for you . Believe it . So flood the polls and monitor them , even if you destroy your ballot sign it and date it . Then they can't mess with it . Your Bro from Canada , maybe just maybe with enough pressure stupidity will be abolished .

Bill , are you a carpenter ?
Because you hit the nail on the head with every point .
You're whats right with America and the world should see that .
Spread it around let everybody know that we all stink when we stay silent and then bitch about it .
Keep talking even though you've just about said it all about the U.S. and the view from the south .
But without your video , at first sight most people would say , Redneck ,KKK. Racist , about you . I fall into categories myself but that's because I never look in a mirror , I don't care how I look or what people think , but when some suite wearing useless politician puts a collar and chain on me , well you know .

14.Circus animals mistreated .

We laugh at their macabre dance , unthinkingly not aware that how they live and die is as a unpaid prisoner doing slave work . 
Trapped in a life they know isn't theirs , but an orchestrated sentence that has only one solution death  . We treat them this way why ? To laugh at them as we would an ancient Roman gladiator stripped of weapons and bound and gagged , with no options to win but all to die . For this we repay them with a death . The imbalance desensitises our children into thinking that thoughtless inhumanity is funny and acceptable and so they learn something that they carry into the social world and it makes them insensitive to us . 

This debate has been raging since Darwin assembled the theory . 
  It's a momentarily unsolvable debate because both sides have the same proof .
So let's go inside , okay ?
Look inside , way down , and I'll call rusty .
Ask yourself . 
Why don't we have proof ?
Well , each of us aren't capable of proof .
So we fight ? Over speculation and hope of being right ?
All we do know is , that both evolution and creationism have large unknowns  .
There obviously was an advanced civilization that was obliterated from existence , and there obviously was a time when things weren't like they are in this era .
The Era , evidence points at what we believe as , a time when mankind wasn't on earth , therefore we instantly assume evolution ? And it would be a reasonable assumption .
The creationist evidence comes from the mouths of men , not just one man of one way of thought , but many people of all the people that have existed on earth .
They tell of a higher self , a supernatural persona that is inside of and assembled what mankind is today .
This too is a good argument because I believe that we've all sensed this unexplainable force , that drives mankind to want to return to a place where everything makes sense.
This raises a lot of questions and reactions .
All pointing to a future that we just keep scratching at but don't have enough to assemble , and it seems that when we do , another occurrence destroys our progression .
So despite of both arguments all we do have is ourselves .
And the way we assemble our coexistence is where we'll find the answer to our existence   .
Thank You .


I don't believe the people understand at all ? These dogs , Pit Bull type are the worst guard dogs in the world , they just won't harm a human . But another dog or an animal they decide is a threat to you or them is another thing . It's up to the owners or the circumstances to judge them . Not just kill them all . I was handed the bodies of my two children , Leo and Penny , they were accused , I was lied to , and unbelieved , even when proving the truth . I think the people that are the ones that did this made the worst mistake in their useless lives , because Leo and Penny will have their day , just not yet , not yet .

Wow .
I need a drink .
I want that drink that makes everything screw up .
It's easy to mix , but we all know that ?
Only two ingredients .
Take a large chunk of " Government ", okay ?
And mix it well with a very nice and light , but good chunk of " Religion " .
Mix it up with " Media ", and voila , Instant destruction .  


Gianfranco Fronzi .  July / 6 / 2015 

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